Yitzhak Shamir, originally Yitzhak Jazernicki, was born in 1915 in eastern Poland. Before completing a law degree in Warsaw, he moved to British Mandatory Palestine at the age of twenty and enrolled at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. He was active in various organizations in favor of an Israeli state, and commanded the Lechi party for various times until its disbandment in 1949. Later, he joined the Likud party and was elected to the Knesset in 1973 as a member of the same. Upon reelection in 1977 he became the Speaker and presided over the Egyptian peace treaty and President Anwar Sadat's visit. In Oct. `83, he became the seventh Prime Minister of the state of Israel. After his defeat in a bid for reelection in 1992, he relinquished his party leadership and retired from the Knesset in 1996.