user since
Wed Oct 27 1999 at 19:33:22 (24.7 years ago )
last seen
Mon Jan 13 2003 at 10:38:05 (21.5 years ago )
number of write-ups
3 - View chuckb's writeups (feed)
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So maybe you're wondering who this fruitcake named chuckb is? Maybe not, and you stumbled here in some dazed stupor (I know I did).

I'm somewhat of a funk, jazz, ambient, techno musical listener and creator (if that makes sense to you,&.you're probably on the same crazy journey as I am). Inspired by Herbie Hancock, Miles Davis, and others. I have composed and released tracker music on the PC for some years, most often as Chuck Biscuits of the Kosmic Free Music Foundation 1994 until 1997.

My day job involves use of the name Andrew Fort, tho "chuck" is somewhat more syllabically convenient. .