At the doctor's office, he said it was obvious signs of social anxiety.

when I was little I wondered (I remember a specific time, wondering this): how much of intelligence tied back into memory: that hypothetically if someone could remember everything:

Scientist run studies on this.

Today I lost my phone so I had to call myself and I didn't make it to the phone in time before it went to voicemail.

"Please leave me a message."

This unpleasant effect of listening to your own recorded voice

We don't like listening because we're not used to hearing our voice from another perspective, specifically without the resonance created from the cave of our own head, (which then ties in to what is labeled the "mere-exposure effect.")

But what bothered me the most was

please leave me a message. please leave me a message.
please leave me a message. please leave me a message.
please leave me a message. please leave me a message.