Do you remember in the cartoons where characters will sometimes inexplicably have dark rain clouds just right over their heads? This would often happen to Wile E. Coyote - usually accompanied by a lightning strike that would reduce him to a pile of black ashes and two big yellow eyeballs.

Well, this unusual meteorological event seems to have befallen me and my office-working bretheren. Upon hearing the rumblings of storm rolling towards us and the rat-tat-tat if the heavy raindrops against the window, we checked to see the exact scope of the storm that was threatening us. Much to our amusement, the weather map showed our entire area virtually free of any precipitation - or even clouds for that matter. However, there was one exception to this: a tiny green dot on the map in downtown St. Louis. That's right. We were cursed with a storm that rumbled right over our heads that rumbled the floor and flickered the lights, and then it moved on. No, the power did not go out, but still we worried...

Save often, guys.

Save often...

Save often...