"When you are suffering, know that I have betrayed you."

This darkly poetic utterance first surfaced in a slightly different form in 1996, in Marilyn Manson's now-infamous album, Antichrist Superstar. The sentence is heard in the album more than once - in the lyrics of three tracks, to be exact.

Track 99, or "The hidden track" as it is more commonly known, is accessed by allowing the CD to play on after the final listed song on the album ends (Track 16: Man That You Fear).

The player will then automagically skip through 83 tracks of silence, before settling comfortably on the spoken-word track 99, wherein the sentence is used to end off the album on a brooding, ominous note.


"...this is something your Lord got upon the cross
we did not offend none who were not offended
you are not a victim
and you are not an offender
we all have cut off our names
but i know a flaw in my name
these are the dying years
these are the dying years
when you are suffering know that I have betrayed you."