Sinterklaas could be considered the dutch equivalent of Santa Claus. ehm wait, that's not entirely true, since the name Santa Claus comes from the Dutch name Sinterklaas, so it would be the other way around. Anyway, in The Netherlands most people celebrate Sinterklaas, by giving presents to each other, especially to their kids. This happens on December 5th, supposedly the evening before his birthday. In Belgium, they celebrate it on December 6th, which is the day he died. However, most people think they celebrate his birthday (Witnie pointed out to me that it was the day he died, and only then I remembered that Catholics remember the day their saints died).

The myth involving Sinterklaas is that he rides on his white horse across the roofs of houses, and that his helpers, who are entirely black and therefor called Zwarte Piet (Black Pete), climb down the chimneys put presents in people's shoes. In reality, it usually are the parents who put presents in their kids' shoes.

The name Sinterklaas actually comes from Sint Nicolaas (Saint Nicholas), a catholic figure. That's why Sinterklaas looks very catholic.