All I ever wanted in life was to be worshipped like a god, live like a rock star, drive women wild, make a fortune, live fast, die young, conquer the universe, travel the world, meet interesting people, solve the Grand Unification Theory, find the Missing Link, fight the good fight, live for the moment, seize the day], know what really matters, end world hunger, cure cancer, change the world, vanquish the dragon, save the princess, be super popular but too cool to care, climb Mount Everest, scale the Great Wall of China, swim the seven seas, howl at the moon, sound my barbaric yawp over the rooftops of the world, tag up this earth with my street name, run around with perfect conviction that my life is the meaning of life, be master of my own fate, embrace my destiny, feel as much as I can feel, think as much as I can think, do as much as I can do, get down, get up, dance to the beat of life on and on and when I'm done let the people go, "Now that was a funky man."
~Tatsuya Ishida
- user since
- Mon May 17 2004 at 17:38:37 (20.8 years ago )
- last seen
- Fri Sep 18 2009 at 01:09:09 (15.5 years ago )
- number of write-ups
- 21 - View SuicideKing's writeups (feed)
- level / experience
- 1 (Novice) / 204
- C!s spent
- 1
- mission drive within everything
- Simply to live.
- specialties
- rambling genius
- motto
- Wacky
- most recent writeup
- April 28, 2006
- Send private message to SuicideKing