One of the many titles of Mary, Mother of God. In Spanish, her name is Nuestra Señora de Leche y Buen Parto, or Our Lady of Milk and Safe Delivery. She is depicted cradling the child Jesus in her arms, nursing him.

Devotion to Our Lady of La Leche is thought to have begun in the 4th century in Bethlehem where, to this day, the Fransiscans maintain the Milk Grotto shrine. The devotion was probably brought to Europe by Crusaders in Medieval times.

Early Spanish settlers in North America had a special place in their hearts for Our Lady of La Leche, and the first Marian shrine built in what is now the United States was to Our Lady of La Leche in St. Augustine, Florida. The shrine still exists there, and every year, thousands of mothers and mothers-to-be go there to ask for her intervention on their behalf and give thanks for safe childbirth. La Leche League International takes its name from Our Lady of La Leche.