Trippin!? What are yousaying!?

6 is a beautiful number. It's in the time we count by- half of twelve, which it's based on; Sixty minutes, twenty-four hours (the square times the six)...

The basis of life, Carbon, is element number six in the Periodic table; It has six electrons. The air we breath, Oxygen, has six electrons in its outer shell.

It's a magic number when multiplied by an even number- six times four equals twenty-four, two plus four is six.

Hexagons, the six-sided shape, are the both the strongest regular tile and the one with the most sides... And there's something really cool.

Suppose there's a bee hive. Bees make Hexagonal shaped cells- these can be imagined as tiles.


Now, the Queen's doing an inspection, and she doesn't want to waste time doubling back, so she's only going to go one way. To get into A, there's one route: Into A. From A to B, there's only one way- throught the bold line.

To get to C, she can go through the Bold line and back out of B into C, or just pass from A straight to C. That's 2 ways. There are three ways into D, and Five into E; There's 8 into F, and, if you imagine G, there's 13 into there. See a pattern? That's right: the Fibonacci Sequence...

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13... Each number totals the total of the two before it. This happen with all the way through the double row of Hexagons.

Six is the number of faces on a cube, the most stable for building and a most infamous shape; Six is the number of zeros in a million (106), the oft-used big number; Six is the most common number of letters per word in the Voynich Manuscript, English Christian- and Sur- names.

Six is a beautiful, wonderful number! if there was a number humanity enjoyed most, it would be having six; if there was a number to define winning, it would be sixess; If there was a number to create the wonders of Role-Playing (using Six-siders?) it would be Gary Gysix.
Six is wonderful.

It's also the number of cans in a pack of beer.