Fact One: Rockinfreakapotamae are mammals.

rockinfreakapotamae are especially sociable among their own. They are known to not be overly violent towards outsiders and are safe to walk freely in human society.

Fact Two: The Rockinfreakapotamus worships a strain of vegetable life known as the capsicum family.

Fact Three: The purpose of a Rockinfreakapotamus is to rock out, and to rock hard.

Rockinfreakapotamus is the official fan club of the rock band the 'Red Hot Chili Peppers'. On joining: the introduction page instructs RHCP fans to send $25 American and a photograph of yourself to

Rockinfreakapotamus, Peoplehood Inc.
The Red Hot Chili Peppers Fan Club
PO Box 801
Rockford, Michigan

After mailing, wait six weeks for your fanclub ID to be sent back to you. The ID card will include all of your necessary information and be made out of distinct cut up backstage passes. Once you are a member, you will be admitted to a secured section of the RHCP websites, where you can download music/music videos belonging to the band as well as set up occasional backstage meet and greets with the band (under supervision of a band manager, of course). On rare occasions RHCP will do a free concert, and statistically speaking, fanclub members receive the most invitations.

More information can be gathered from http://www.redhotchilipeppers.com/fanclub/index.html
