user since
Sat Sep 14 2002 at 02:54:40 (22.5 years ago )
last seen
Fri Sep 7 2007 at 13:40:49 (17.6 years ago )
number of write-ups
13 - View Quadlex's writeups (feed)
level / experience
1 (Novice) / 132
mission drive within everything
To have fun and be random
Sarcasm, trying (mostly failing) to help others
'Cuniculum Vitta Sarcire Omnia'
most recent writeup
Advance Australia Fair
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Student in Micro-electronic Engineering and IT

Works in a Deli

Hates writing his Bio

l337 at0mican.

This got Nuked, but I like it, so:

Take a Feel Special Ticket

A saying invented (or that I May Have Subconsiously Plagarised) to indicate that really, I don't give a Flying Fuck.

It is intended to indicate that the person saying it could not be bothered even pretending to care about your trivial, banal, pointless ramblings on subject ranging from a baseball cap, a toy car and two hands to the Atkins Diet.

It will save you all the effort of saying "Please go and crawl into a ditch, and lay there until you choke on the effluent streaming from the hideous noisy orriface in the centre of your rage inducing face", which often takes too much effort to waste on the idiots and losers who may be wasting your time and/or money.

It may even be used if you ordinarily would care about the Subject at Hand, but are too tired or too stressed to care. In fact, it conveys this meaning very adequately.

Invader Zim Drinking Game You all know how Drinking Games work, so I won't go into finer points of detail.

Thus, the Triggers are:-

  • Whenever Zim screams or shouts
  • Again if the thing he shouts is his own name
  • Whenever Gir dances
  • Again if it's a Breakdance
  • Whenever Dib stumbles over his words / says something in a stupid manner (IE "Those Things He Do")
  • Whenever Gaz Assaults either Dib or one of Dib's plans / creations
  • Anytime the word Invader is used
  • When the hissing sound that accompanies Ms Bitters is heard
  • Any mention, appearence, or consumption of 'Snacks'
  • Scary Monkey
  • Whenever Gir eats a Pizza or any other Junk Food
  • A Reference is made to Dib having a Big Head
  • References to Toast
  • A TV advert precipitates a plot twist (Such as Crazy Taco or Acne Blast in Invasion of the Idiot Dog Brain and Pustulio)
  • If Ms Bitters does something creepy (Such as floating across the floor)
  • If something expands from something it couldn't possible fit into
  • Rest assured that this game should leave you Comfortably Blotto after 1 or 2 episodes. As such, Quadlex takes no reponsibility for any adverse effects upon your Kidneys or Liver. Or Squidlyspooch.

    Redlands Revue

    A Scout and Guide show which is based in the Redland Shire, in Queensland, Australia.

    Featuring a number of song and dance items as well as skits and audience participation items, Redlands Revue is a colourful and fun family show.

    The idea for Redlands Revue came from Barbra Geary at a Birkdale Scout Group mother and son dinner, held in 1987. The first show was produced on the 8th and 9th of December, by Stephen Kay.

    Kay produced 6 shows and then handed the reins over to Ian Johnson, in 1985.