"Bubbler" is a term used in Rhode Island to denote what is commonly called a drinking or water fountain, despite the fact that those terms obviously denote the large statues found outside of rich people's homes that squirt water out of various orifices.
The term originated from office water coolers (the kind with the upside-down jug on top of them). These created large, loud bubbles in the jug when operated. The scope of the term then broadend and it is now applied to anything operated by a button or lever that provides drinking water.
As stated above, this term is apparently also used in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. This is quite new to me, I was always under the impression that only Rhode Islanders used this word, unique unto us in the same way that Del's Lemonade, high taxes, and corrupt politicians are. (The latter two are unique in their quantity, not quality.)
I have never before heard the word used, or had it interpreted in, the context of drugs before I visited this node, but then, I'm not with that crowd.