user since
Wed Mar 22 2000 at 06:00:33 (24.6 years ago )
last seen
Wed Jan 16 2002 at 03:01:16 (22.8 years ago )
level / experience
1 (Initiate)
mission drive within everything
Kick ass, Take Names
Mac Consulting
Gib Flab Mib Flib.
Send private message to NickDanger

A Computer Consultant and Minister of Everything Mac in Santa Fe, NM
User of MacOS X (DP3)
Knows UBB code
Player. (of Unreal Tourney, Quake 3 and various Plastation 1 Games )
DV Dude
MP3 Remixer
Lithuanian speaker (kind of)
Rumor Mongor


netizen since 1991