user since
Tue Nov 21 2006 at 16:10:04 (17.8 years ago )
last seen
Tue Nov 21 2006 at 16:57:42 (17.8 years ago )
level / experience
1 (Initiate) / 0
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Born in the ice fields of inner Antarctica, Ryan was raised on adventure. By the time he was was twelve he had been learning the ways of the sea. He sailed his square-rigged barque "Hrothgar" on a continuous circumnavigation for six years. When not on board Hrothgar, Ryan could be found trakking across the Rub al Khali, the Amazon basin, or Roman ruins in Northern Africa.

Or so he would like you to believe. Ryan is a keyboard jockey in a Government office by day and the editor of Mount Zion Speculative Fiction Review by night. He loves armchair adventuring, nautical fiction and history, Antarctica, Role-playing Games, and many divers types of music.

He is also an Orthodox Christian (OCA for those who know, think Russian or Greek for those who don't).