user since
Wed Aug 30 2006 at 00:03:43 (18.6 years ago )
last seen
Fri May 12 2017 at 10:58:04 (7.9 years ago )
number of write-ups
31 - View Morkel's writeups (feed)
level / experience
4 (Wordsmith) / 1011
Student at the Norwegian University of Technology and Science (NTNU/NTH)
most recent writeup
When I have female children
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Let's see, a short bio? Well, essential info first. I'm male, norwegian, 21 years of age, studying physics and mathematics for a Master of Technology degree at NTNU (or NTH, if you're old and for some reason know about the university). I tend to use too much time not studying, though, but that is a universal trait for students. I can also be rather verbose, so if you feel I'm saying whatever I'm saying with about twice as many words as neccecary, do give me a message and suggest a cleanup.

Like the average student, I like to party, but I doubt that can be considered an interest. Gaming, however, can. I like it all, from computer games to tabletop and board games to roleplaying, at least as long as it requires some skill (as opposed to pure luck). The latter I suppose is my favourite, though I tend to prefer other settings and systems than vanilla D&D. The horror RPG Kult is a favourite of mine, even if I've actually never played it.

And that brings us over to another interest. Horror. I am a fan of horror, both in literature and in film. Especially more psychological stuff, and gothic horror. H.P. Lovecraft is a favourite of mine, and so is the Best New Horror series of short story anthologies edited by Stephen Jones (well, the four or so I've read have all collected a number of excellent stories, by a number of different authors).

I also spend way too much time online, and will therefore probably become a valuable member of this community. Or, least a member.

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