I like to fill nodeshells, and say they used to be nodeshells. I'm sorry.
- user since
- Tue Jan 28 2003 at 02:42:32 (22.2 years ago )
- last seen
- Mon Sep 19 2011 at 08:26:31 (13.5 years ago )
- number of write-ups
- 49 - View LiarXAgerate's writeups (feed)
- level / experience
- 4 (Wordsmith) / 1105
- mission drive within everything
- stay within everything.
- specialties
- baseball, et cetera
- school/company
- Burgerland U.
- motto
- a wide, empty stacks / the writers dead and lonely / it's everything 2
- most recent writeup
- Of course I agreed, feeling the door to the dream world blow open with a chill gust
- Send private message to LiarXAgerate
User Bookmarks:
- "God" billboards
- "He" is actually a buxom blonde bisexual sorority girl. The net is like that.
- 10 Misconceptions about Internet Graphic Design (idea)
- 11
- 1950s
- A list of things kids should and should not have from a woman who has no kids
- A poem I wrote when I was 5
- A writer of supreme talent
- Adam and Eve and Pinch Me
- Alleged assassination plots involving Fidel Castro
- Anime is cartoons
- At least I didn't have to pay...
- Atom and His Package
- Bang
- Base nine number system
- Batting average
- Before we dump the bodies, you guys wanna go to Hooters?
- beta
- Bill Brasky (person)
- block booking
- Brumaire
- Bugaboo Creek Steak House
- Can someone send me a photo of the server my nodes are on, please?
- Capsaicin (idea)
- Casting the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen today
- Chad Reasco
- CIA World Factbook - Hell (idea)
- Confessions of an Anaesthetist
- December 31, 2003 (place)
- Deliberately dropping pennies
- Democrats struggling to gain control of pirate demographic
- Dinosaur National Monument
- Do you remember how small your body was when you were five? (person)
- Dream Log: June 25, 2003 (log)
- Dude, check me out. I'm like a little otter, a sexy little otter! (person)
- Due to the Incompetence of our novice author, our heroine, cahla, finds herself in the wilds of Djibouti; there is no denouement in sight, but the moonlight is pretty.
- dystopia
- Eight or Nine Wise Words About Letter Writing
- English Money
- Evil is not the same as Cool
- face
- factgirl
- Fairbanks, Alaska
- February 17, 2005
- First date in history
- For children as yet unable to talk (idea)
- Free-PC
- Friday night in dormland
- Fucked up Facts from History
- GapBuster
- Generation K
- Glenn Miller
- Goodbye college email address
- Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?
- Has Internet advertising lost its mind?
- Haschel47
- Hello. My name is c--- and I am a recovering goth.
- How far are you from anything?
- How many Disney movies are actually original stories?
- How not to beat Jet Li's kung-fu style in "Fist of Legend" (idea)
- How to appreciate jazz without really trying
- How to get your ass kicked by Jackie Chan
- How to pick up women
- I can't do one-quarter of the things my father can
- I don't Daylog but I'm Daylogging
- I Don't Know Why You Don't Want Me (person)
- I love you, darling
- I was promised flying cars
- I'm the most off-beat genius you ever knew; I'm so iconoclastic I'm clastic
- If biology must teach about creation, should geography teach about a flat earth?
- J R Hartley
- James Ussher
- Jimminy_Cricket
- July 24, 2003
- Kameleon remote control
- Kids who walk in the middle of the road
- KilroyWasHere
- Kuribo's Shoe
- Level 2
- Lilith
- living in sin
- Lometa
- Long live God
- Love and justifications
- Making a railgun
- Mario Mania
- Maya Briani
- Muppet*Vision 3D
- My love affair with the number 26
- Neon lights under your car do not make it look like it's floating
- Never chew on a soda can tab
- Nintendo Super Power Club
- Nodes which sarcastically argue a point in order to make the other side look foolish are funny
- Nodeshell Generator
- Nothing could kill the Grimace
- oblivius
- October 25, 2004
- Old encyclopedias
- On sex and violence in entertainment (idea)
- Pac-Man Ghost Personalities
- pack rat
- Packing for and Traveling to Antarctica (thing)
- Permanent floating flame wars
- pet nodeshell (idea)
- Quotes from sleeping people
- Reasons why you need at least 5 hours of sleep (idea)
- Reserved names on MSN
- retroactive continuity
- Rimrod's Fencing Autobiography : Prologue
- Sarah
- Sarah's Virginity
- school vouchers (idea)
- Semion
- September 9, 2004 (thing)
- short story
- shower partners
- sic!
- Spork
- stacked blocks
- Standard sitcom episode structure
- Suburbia
- sucker punch
- Taking revenge with The Clapper
- Tetris was Soviet Communist Propaganda
- The "Geek Pride" phenomenon
- The 11Gig Floppy Disk
- The Devil's contract problem
- The Lord's Prayer: SMS
- The principles of nuclear weapon safety and meeting girls are remarkably similar
- The terrorists have already won "ANY BREAKFAST BAGEL SANDWICH" at McDonald's!
- The Three Men I Admired Most: Manhattan, 9/11/01
- The truth about pennies
- The young poet, facing a deadline, scans pages 450-467 of the OED (idea)
- Theoretical punctuation
- There is a true and sincere friendship between you both
- True stuff in the Bible
- Unleash the Power of Shift!
- Vending machine (idea)
- video coin holder
- View from the Goodyear Blimp
- Webster 1913 is a fake (person)
- Webster 1913 sounding like Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure
- What can you get for three cents?
- What happens when you put a bisected grape in a microwave oven
- When did the future switch from being a promise to being a threat?
- When You Are: a guide for time travelers
- Where are those polar bears getting all that Coca-Cola?
- X-Men #7