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Lavisarin vs. The Bathroom door: An Inspiring Tale of a New Age Hero
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I don't want to run a company, I'm not good at managing people. You have a problem with the guy in the next cubicle? I don't care. Shoot him or something.

Well, Our Town is a lot like my town, only people don't propose to each other over ice cream sodas. They propose to each other over failed pregnancy tests and bong hits.


I am he who hath entrusted his soul to the eternal vortex of time. Ye know me! And if ye do not, ye shall be made to know me!! It shall be engraved on thy very soul. Lezard Valeth!! If ye shall accept the brand of Hel upon thee, thy sanctions shall in turn be lowered. … I shall grant thee the deliverance of thy soul, and ye shall come now before me!! - Lezard Valeth, Valkyrie Profile.

Supporters of the draconian ban included cancer survivors and their families, who told the council they were continually subjected to secondhand smoke from neighbouring apartments.


Along with cooking and cleaning smells, flue viruses, cold germs, vapors from hair spray, cooking spray and bug poison. Toss into that mix the high concentration of local air pollution from the above average amount of vehicles, the wide spread, basically yearly, scattering of tons of soot from forest fires and methane from roughly two million butts as they fart.

Neighbors like to BBQ -- especially with charcoal, which dumps large amounts of krap into the local air. Unless the charcoal is the more expensive, natural type, it's made from component materials, the residue of which is heavy metals. A whole lot of folks don't bother dumping the ashes into trash bins but instead out onto the ground or local ditch, allowing heavy metal concentrations to spread. (Read the damn bag. 90% of your commercial charcoals warn you NOT to spread the ashes on vegetable gardens because of the heavy metal contents.)

Don't forget that study about 12 years ago pointing out that BBQing hamburgers -- a popular past time -- produced cancer causing compounds in the meat.

charmed1782: And why is it reasonable that I be forced to inhale a bunch of your dirty smoke breath while I'm trying to enjoy my cheese lover's deep dish pizza and breadsticks?

For the same reason that I get to be subjected to the screaming of your nasty arsed little rug rats while trying to enjoy a meal out, or have to put up with the loud, obnoxious laughter and crude comments from those redneck inbreds, along with having to tolerate the krappy music from that ethic dude's ghetto blaster.

BTW. Humans on the street are filthier than any farking puff of smoke. They walk around carrying diseases and don't care who gets them. (Remember that lady who sued the school system for her AIDS infected kid's right to attend -- and possibly infect -- classes? See, back then, no one was real sure how AIDS spread but, by gosh her kid, carrying something like the Bubonic Plague was going to get his RIGHT to attend a public school.

Humans take a dump and wipe their arses and many don't have the courtesy to wash their hands. Then they go touch food items in grocery stores. (I was in a Walmart toilet the other day, and got to hear this guy dump, flush and watched him walk right past the sinks with pause.) Human fecal material carries all sorts of nasty things, from Hepatitis C to E-coli.

Folks go to work sick -- and don't even buy a cheap surgical mask to cover their mouth and nose with, happily spreading their cold to everyone in the vicinity. Bosses encourage this by making it difficult for minimum wages to take time off if they want to keep their jobs. Our current society forces people to live on the street, where they catch and spread diseases, defecate in public places and you walk through it.

There are tens of thousands of cans of cooking spray sold each day -- a vapor which contains silicone, among other chemicals. Not all of it sticks to your pan. The instructions tell you not to basically spray it in your face. Combine those chemicals with the millions of cans of bug spray, hair spray, air freshener, spray paint, spray lubricant, spray household cleaner -- and, in a city environment you're creating a noxious mix of chemicals which make tobacco smoke a minor problem.

Thousands of folks each day huff cans of spray paint, which causes all sorts of nasty health problems and creates a major crime problem. I haven't found any Spray Paint Nazi's demanding that the stuff be banned, made illegal, be taxed nearly into oblivion and users of it be harassed and treated like criminals.

Tobacco is a legal substance. Thanks to media hype and exaggeration, followed by antismoking groups, the constant production and display of dubious scientific results, the politicians climbing en-mass on the PC bandwagon (exactly as they did years ago for prohibition) folks think even a whiff of tobacco smoke is as lethal as cyanide gas.

Yet, daily they're exposed to various compounds that are actually more dangerous and lethal -- but not as smelly -- and they don't complain in the least.

The thing that I find alarming is that people are encouraging the violation of our civil rights and our right to privacy. They're sucking up the real and the exaggerated reports by the media as if they were gospel and are perfectly willing to restrict the rights of anyone else -- except themselves.

However, historically, those who rally to restricting the rights of others usually find that, eventually, their own rights become restricted as even other folks decide something they're doing is offensive.

Look at the example of Pot. It's nowhere nearly as dangerous as it's been made out to be and actually has benefits. (No, I don't smoke it, but I'm not stupid about it.) Then there was the prohibition of any and all booze -- regardless that basically a very small group started it and others exaggerated the dangers. Gold mining still uses tons of arsenic to separate the metal from the slag -- usually leaving behind thousands of acres of poisoned mines. Not too much is being done about that.

Consider also that there are still people going insanely ballistic about abortions, happily invading the rights of any women who chooses to get one and even going to the degree of 'righteously' bombing clinics and threatening physicians. They're forcing their view on the rest of us and the media is helping.

However, the neighbors mention at the beginning of this rant would still be as obnoxiously complaining if their neighbors didn't smoke -- but instead had a huge taste for Limburger Cheese. I think they'd find the stink of that stuff more annoying than tobacco smoke.