user since
Mon Dec 17 2001 at 18:59:24 (23.3 years ago )
last seen
Sun Mar 10 2002 at 15:30:46 (23 years ago )
level / experience
0 (Initiate) / 0
mission drive within everything
To avoid avoiding things that are stupid to avoid avoiding.
Sleeping at buses. Especially white and blue ones. And the others.
Don't do today what you can have someone else do for you tomorrow.
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For a start I'd like to inform you about me being me, and you being you. It's disturbing when conflicts regarding this pops up, so for everybodys' comfort: You are you and I am me. Hopefully.

If it would turn out that you actually aren't you, I wish to beg you pardon, for I did not know. If I'm not me, on the other hand, I'm not the one to apolygize, since I'm actually someone completely else. Hopefully. The one who would be responsible in this case would be the one who is me, which means, at the last count, me. So, don't blaim me, but the one who is me, which means me.