Leading magazine for the disciples of alternative energy at home

The U.S. is always quoted as the biggest consumer of energy worldwide, which is without doubt true: though accounting for only 5 percent of the world's population, Americans consume 26 percent of the world's energy. It's not entirely their fault of course, as they have been brought up in a country with ridiculously cheap fuel and electricity prices and have been governed by a succession of administrations for whom the word "conservation" is a direct attack on the american way of life, which in this case means a lifestyle which has no concerns for the amount of BTU's the average citizen is using during the day.

Energy conservation, alternative and renewable energy continue to be the vocabulary of a small minority of people pushed to the fringes of american society, triggering images of either feral lefties or anti-government conspiracy nutters, both groups having the same desire to stay "off the grid" and to produce their own energy, either because of the next global catastrophy or because they fear that ZOG is going to turn off their juice.

Home Power Magazine is an American publication which disspells these myths: the projects and authors featured are all sensible, mainstream, more or less average humans presenting their projects enabling them to live a normal lifestyle by using alternative energy sources, from a solar panel powering an electric kettle to whole villages living off the grid.
Presently in its onehundreth issue, the magazine was founded in 1987 and currently has an editorial staff of 20. Their website allows the interested noder to download their latest publication for free (which I find amazing) and access their archives for a small fee. Home Power Magazine is published bi-monthly and has a refreshing "hands on" approach to their articles: you don't have to be an engineer to understand the setups and projects (although it helps) as their "how to" sections introduce the physics and electronic intricacies of energy generation for even the stupidest reader like me. Emphasis is on photovoltaics, hydroenergy, wind power and energy conservation, but without compromises on lifestyle.

Published in Oregon it can be found on news stands in the U.S. and Canada but is available on subscription worldwide. A yearly subscription plus the last 6 issues will set you back only 45 U.S. dollars plus 5$ postage (that goes up to 22$ for international subscribers).

If you're interested to make your house less dependent on your local utility company and do something for the survival of the species, have a look at the latest issue and discover the inner conservation geek in you.

Website: http://www.homepower.com