user since
Sun May 27 2001 at 20:52:04 (23.1 years ago )
last seen
Mon May 28 2001 at 00:15:29 (23.1 years ago )
level / experience
0 (Initiate) / 0
unix, mistakes
Whats life without a little risk ^^
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"Adam" - Brought to you by the letter "E"

Race >>> Human

Gender >>> Male

Birthday >>> Twenty-first of March, 1984

Location >>> Somewhere in Minnesota

Interests >>> Researching (well, not formally) the workings of the greater universe, first hand. Buying groceries, cleaning my room. Linux, Windows NT/2000, and MacOS 9 are pretty nifty. Anime is cool too.

Description >>> Bipedal, generally friendly with others. Fear my Ninjas. Unintentionally athletic, at about 65 kilograms, with a height of roughly 175 centimeters. Chaotic/Neutral personality.