user since
Thu Apr 13 2000 at 21:15:06 (24.8 years ago )
last seen
Mon Feb 7 2005 at 06:26:21 (20 years ago )
number of write-ups
7 - View Fester's writeups (feed)
level / experience
0 (Initiate) / 83
mission drive within everything
computers, GNU/Linux, C++, Visual Basic, Saxophones, obscure simpsons reference that no one gets
Abington Senior High School
If it can't be done right, throw some code at it.
most recent writeup
Adventures in sharing a name with a famous person
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Computer Science geek hailing from just outside Philadelphia in Pennsylvania, USA. If it has to do with software, it's my passion.

I frequent the alt.nerd.obsessive newsgroup, and the #nerdly channel on the NewNet IRC network. My personal screwing-around-and-showing-off website is (see a theme here?).