I'm no good at these.
Gold type on a black background with dark grey links, it looks pretty damn good I'd say.
ekw_textfont="Arial, sans-serif";
ekw_logoaccenttext="#FFFFFF ";
I will bookmark everything in everything someday. Who says I can't?
- user since
- Wed Jun 13 2001 at 06:24:42 (23.8 years ago )
- last seen
- Mon Oct 8 2012 at 03:15:26 (12.5 years ago )
- number of write-ups
- 29 - View Epyon's writeups (feed)
- level / experience
- 5 (Crafter) / 2108
- specialties
- History, Economics, Geography, Politics
- school/company
- The Stone Phillips Power Posse
- motto
- If it's worth noding, it's worth noding well
- most recent writeup
- Wasta
- Send private message to Epyon
User Bookmarks:
- "Getting to know you in the Biblical sense" nodes
- "Shut up," he explained
- ^H
- 1000000 Hit Points and Maximum Charisma!
- 1961 Rose Bowl prank
- 1972 Summer Olympics
- 2 Live Jews
- 28 hour day
- 52 card pickup
- A guide to Mississippi porch etiquette
- A guide to passionate touching (idea)
- A Thousand Points of Light
- A woman and her Cock
- Aaron Burr
- Abdul Rashid Dostum
- Abscam
- Absinthe
- Academic Decathlon
- Active vs Passive Nihilism
- Agh! The rumors of the Daystar are true!
- Ah, mercury. Sweetest of the transition metals.
- Ahmed Chalabi
- Ain't Nobody's Business if You Do: The Absurdity of Consensual Crimes in Our Free Country
- Alabaster
- Alan Greenspan
- Alan Smithee
- Albigensian Crusade
- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
- All I ever needed to know about unit conversion, I learned from drugs
- Amendment IX
- Amendment X
- American Civil Liberties Union
- American Death Triangle
- American Psycho
- American Underworld Dictionary
- AmeriCorps
- An envelope from the previous systems administrator
- anarcho-capitalism
- Anime is not the Japanese word for "Cartoon" (idea)
- Antonio Gramsci
- Any sufficiently advanced music is indistinguishable from MIDI
- Any sufficiently nice person is indistinguishable from someone who likes you
- Aphex Twin
- Apocalyptica
- Apocrypha
- April Trolls Day
- April Trolls Day II - Electric Boogaloo
- Aqua Teen Hunger Force
- Arabic
- Arabic names
- Arguments for the perceived impending invasion of Earth by atomic-powered Killbots from Planet X
- Aristotle's Lost Library, Medieval Andalusia & Chinese Paper, or How Europe Learned to Learn Again and Why the Renaissance Happened When & Where It Did
- Aroostook War
- ASCII to binary
- Assalaamu Alaikum
- Assassinate makes an ass out of ass, I, and Nate
- Assisted Living Dracula
- Audioscrobbler
- Averroes
- Ayn Rand
- Bangalore Torpedo
- Baptist fear of dancing
- Battle of Lepanto
- Battle of Mogadishu
- Battle of New Orleans
- Be different, just like everyone else
- Being the Younger Man
- Being with an older woman
- Beowulf Cluster
- Bertrand Russell
- Beware of finding a Jesus entirely congenial to you
- Biafra
- Big Iron Penis Shrine
- Bill Brasky
- Bill Hicks
- Bill Moyers
- Billy Corgan
- Black Hole of Calcutta
- Blaxploitation
- Blood For Blood
- Bo Jackson
- Books that will induce a mindfuck
- Boondoggle
- Boredom is the root of all evil
- botanical porn
- Brevity is the Soul of Wit
- Bring Me The Head Of Boba Fett (thing)
- Buck 65
- business porn
- But, my dear sir, if you educate them, they will no longer be Baptists
- Butterfinger McFlurry
- Buzkashi
- Caesar non supra grammaticos
- Can someone send me a photo of the server my nodes are on, please?
- Can you hear me Maggie Thatcher? Your boys took one hell of a beating
- Can't talk. Coming down.
- Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future
- Carnac the Magnificent
- Carthage
- Catullus 16
- Caveat emptor
- chained heat
- character assassination
- Chav (person)
- Chewbacca can't pronounce his own name
- Chronology of the Crusades
- Chunky A
- Church bloopers
- CIA World Factbook - Hell (idea)
- Civil defense for your refrigerator
- Civilization III has made me sympathize with the Japanese in WWII
- Clarissa Explains It All
- Clear Channel
- Clive Barker
- Cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey (thing)
- Commercials with carefully edited songs
- Communicating through Simpsons quotes
- Compassion fatigue
- Connections
- Conspiracy theory: Area 51
- conversation with a script kiddie
- Correlation is not causation
- Cosmic Banditos
- crack whore
- Create a throwing star out of Post-it Notes
- Cybersex gone wrong
- Daily Evil - Monday, September 11th
- Dance Dance Revolution
- Dave's Insanity Sauce
- David Brock
- David Manning
- Dead baby jokes
- Dead Kennedys
- Death to Antarctican Robotic Death Ninjas
- Degrassi Junior High
- Demolition Man
- depleted uranium
- Desine fata deum flecti sperare precando
- Dien Bien Phu
- Do not attempt to stop chain with your hands or genitals
- Dog days
- Domo-kun
- Don Giovanni
- Don LaFontaine
- Don't pursue Lu Bu
- Don't run from snipers, you'll just die tired
- Dream Syndicate
- Drink whore
- drop ship
- Dude, check me out. I'm like a little otter, a sexy little otter!
- Eat any good books lately?
- Eat poop you cat
- Eat the rich
- Eating Babies for Fun and Profit
- Echelon
- Eddie Slovik
- Education is evil. Knowledge is evil. Be a moron. Forget how to spell.
- Effects on an unprotected human body in the vacuum of space
- Egalitarian, not feminist
- Elmo Ain't Yo Average Nza (thing)
- Elvis has left the building
- English slang terms for monetary units
- Enjoy yourself. This is utmost in importance.
- Ennui
- Epicureanism
- Equity court
- Eric Rudolph
- Ernie and Bert are not gay. They're puppets. They don't even have legs.
- Esperanto
- Eugene V. Debs
- Everything Quests: The E2 Tourist Guide
- Everything Quote Server
- Everything's Most Wanted (Archived)
- Evidence for lack of intelligent design in humans
- evil corporation
- Evolutionary pressure against being evil
- Excel Saga
- Falklands War
- Fanny Hill
- Faraday cage
- Fast food restaurants shouldn't call people guests
- Favorite Everything quotes
- Faxanadu
- Fear an evil man with wasabi in hand!
- Fezisms Generator
- Film noir
- Flannery O'Connor
- Flashpoint
- for Foucault, Derrida, for Derrida, Foucault
- For sale. Baby shoes. Never worn.
- For sale. Baby shoes. Never worn. (thing)
- For Whom the Bell Tolls (idea)
- Fragmentation often helps me perceive facets
- Frankfurt School
- Frankie Goes to Hollywood
- Frantz Fanon
- Franz Kafka
- Fu Manchu
- Fuck Art. Let's Kill.
- Fuck you money
- Fuckin' Jesus told me to betray the conspiracy
- G. Gordon Liddy
- G.I. Joe Public Service Announcements
- Gamera
- Gamera is friend to all children!
- Gay Niggers from Outer Space
- Gehlen Organization
- Genghis Khan
- George Clinton
- George Washington, Spymaster
- Gerald Bull
- Gerontophilia
- Get over the self-absorbed "I'll never sell out" rhetoric
- Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
- Giant killer robots engage in radar sex!
- Giant Squid Party Platform
- Girls versus Girls
- Give Me Powerpuff Girls Hentai or Give Me DEATH
- Giving Up the Gun: Japan's Reversion to the Sword, 1543-1879
- gnosticism
- God Hates Us All
- God is a teen-age hacker
- Godspeed You! Black Emperor
- Golden Straitjacket
- Good? Bad? I'm the guy with the gun.
- Götterdämmerung
- Grameen Bank
- Grand Theft Auto III
- Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
- Grandmaster Flash
- Greedo
- Griswold v. Connecticut
- Guitar groups are on the way out
- Gulbuddin Hekmatyar
- Gulf War
- Guns don't kill people. Ninjas kill people.
- Guns don't stop dictators, people stop dictators
- Gurkha
- Guyver
- harness the power of wasabi
- Harry Browne
- Hays Code
- He Hate Me
- He who has enough to eat does the hungry not believe
- hedge fund
- Hello, I take Zoloft. I am so gloriously mentally ill! You will love me, yes?
- Hernando Cortez
- Hieronymus Bosch
- hoc voluerunt
- Homophobia is gay
- Hop on Pop
- House of the Rising Sun
- How absolute are my property rights in a libertarian system?
- How I nearly killed myself masturbating
- How Nintendo ruined hand-held gaming
- How Quetzalcoatl Got His Groove Back
- How the Mice Bury the Cat
- How to build a character in fiction (idea)
- How to disappear completely and never be found
- How to display the second hand on a digital clock radio
- How to Find and Fascinate a Mistress
- How to give a shoulder massage
- How to hide your hard disk porn stash
- How to properly assemble a combat insertion team
- How to say "I can eat glass, it does not hurt me"
- How to spot bad internet porn stories
- How to survive against humans
- How to turn a crack house into a crack home
- Hunter S. Thompson (person)
- Hüsker Dü
- I am going to beat up Reel Big Fish
- I am the red, the white, & the blue. No man cometh to freedom except through me.
- I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major-General
- I am the very model of a modern teenage Cyberpunk (thing)
- I can't believe it's not human flesh
- I can't decide if what you're saying is too profound for me to comprehend or just insane
- I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it
- I enjoy slacking. Does that mean I'm going to Hell?
- I got kicked out of a focus group
- I had it hard for nuclear power
- I hate Ronald Reagan, but I love He-Man (idea)
- I hate you, Milkman Dan
- I know more when I'm alone
- I like my coffee the way I like my women
- I reserve the right to club you and eat your bones
- I shit you not
- I think people would rather be happy than virtuous (idea)
- I used to think of marriage as a plate-glass window just begging for a brick
- I want to watch pornography, but my pornograph is broken
- I will fight no more forever
- I will not move my army without onions!
- I would like to spiritually attune your face with my knee
- I, Real Doll
- I'd like to thank my parents, Ayn Rand and God
- I'll be your Huckleberry!
- I'll read this again in a year and cringe at my own stupidity
- I'm In Love With Massachusetts ( ... drive on by ... )
- I've frequently not been on boats
- If an Agent Knocks - Federal Investigators and Your Rights
- If someone asks you if you're a god, you say, "Yes!" (idea)
- If the only sexual organ you have is a penis then everything looks like a vagina
- If the only tool you have is a hammer, then everything looks like a nail
- im in ur base killin ur d00dz
- im in ur base kissin ur d00dz
- In'sh'Allah
- Indier than thou
- Insha'Allah
- insult (thing)
- Iron Chef
- It's a roleplaying game, dammit! (idea)
- It's easy to be charming on the internet
- It's turtles all the way down
- Jackson Hole, Wyoming
- Jane's Military History Nodes
- Janissary
- Japanese death poetry
- Japanese-American Internment Camps
- Jean Baudrillard
- Jean-Paul Sartre
- Jean-Paul Sartre's Answering Machine Message
- Jesus did not say this; it represents the perspective of a later or different tradition
- Jesus loves everyone (except loiterers)
- Jesus undoubtedly said this or something very like it
- Jet Jaguar
- Joey Jojo Junior Shabadoo
- John Birch Society
- John Waters
- John, The Angry Rednecks and The Professional Brick Thrower
- Join The French Foreign Legion
- Jonathan Pollard
- Jorge Luis Borges
- Jump the shark
- Jürgen Habermas
- k-rad
- Kal-El
- Karl Rove
- Kasparov versus the World
- Kendo
- Kill the Poor
- Kill time before it kills you
- Killing wasps
- King's Quest III - To Heir is Human
- Klaatu barada nikto!
- Kleptomaniac
- Kneel before Zod!
- knowing is two-sevenths of the battle
- Konami Code
- Korean Air Flight 007
- La Legion Etrangere
- Lanchester Systems and the Lanchester Laws of Combat
- lede
- Leisure Suit Larry
- Lenny Bruce
- Let's not start sucking each other's dicks quite yet, gentlemen
- Letter People
- Level 2
- Lift not the painted veil which those who live
- Logically flawed anti-drug commercials
- Logo
- London's calling, and it's calling you gay
- Lord Palmerston vs. Pitt the Elder
- Lupercalia
- Lyndon LaRouche
- M-129 Propaganda Bomb (thing)
- MacGyver
- Machiavelli and Agathocles
- macroeconomics
- Major General
- Making a railgun
- Making an F-16 from a cereal box, some Scotch tape, and a penny
- Male multiple orgasms
- mallternative
- Man... or Astro-man?
- Marijuana Myths
- Mark Twain's Rules of Writing
- Mark Twain's Rules of Writing (idea)
- marketroid
- Mau Mau Rebellion
- May-December Romance
- MC Pee Pants
- Measuring time by setting fire to various things
- Mega Man
- Mega Man 3
- Men are from Earth. Women are from Earth. Deal with it.
- meta tag abuse
- Michel Foucault
- Mike Ditka
- Mikhail Kalashnikov (person)
- Militant fuckers of any sort
- Military Alphabet Code
- Mindless Self Indulgence
- Minkey Boodle
- Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf
- Mr Kipling
- Mr. Sparkle
- Mr. T's Commandment
- My brain went on vacation and left my pancreas in charge
- My cat does not naturally crave twenty pound ocean fish
- My penis shall not suffer as a result of this horrible poetry!
- My Shit's Fucked Up
- nata-de-coco
- Natural Selection by Kinder Egg
- NBA Jam
- Needlessly fuck with things
- NES Advantage
- neutron bomb
- Nicolae Ceausescu
- Nietzsche is pietzsche
- Nigerian mail scams
- Nimda
- Nintendo Entertainment System
- No, your isolated anecdote is NOT sufficient proof
- Noam Chomsky and Michel Foucault
- Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, think I'll go eat worms
- Noises made by roosters in different languages
- Non sequitur
- non-mainstream propaganda
- Nonconformists for the sake of nonconformity
- NORAD Tracks Santa!
- Not enough chlorine in that gene pool
- Nothing new about Ancient Greece will be learned until the Vatican is plundered
- Oak Island Water Pit
- October Surprise
- Omaha
- Omaha the Cat Dancer
- Once a philosopher, twice a pervert
- Ong's Hat
- ontology (idea)
- Operation Joint Forge
- Operation Mindfuck
- Operation Praying Mantis
- oral sex in middle school
- origin of modern English names
- Ottoman Empire
- Our little girl Susan is a most admirable slut, and pleases us mightily
- Overcoming arachnophobia, or how I learned to love the spiders with HUMAN HEADS!
- Ozomatli
- Pain is not negated by the presence of a greater pain somewhere else in the universe
- Parallels Between Mormonism and Battlestar Galactica
- Participate in your own manipulation.
- Paul Robeson
- Peak oil
- Peloponnesian War
- Penises have higher bandwidth than cable modems
- Penn And Teller: Bullshit!
- People need difficult languages
- People who argue, using terms they refuse to define
- People who don't smoke will never die
- Persecution of the Bahá'i in modern Iran
- Phineas Gage
- Phoenix Orion
- Pictures of Everythingians
- pidgin
- Pimp Daddy Welfare
- Pingu
- Please Hammer, Don't Hurt 'Em
- plesiochronous
- Positivism
- pregnant chad
- Prince Metternich
- pro bono
- Protestant work ethic
- Puya
- qualia
- Quaoar
- Quote whore (person)
- R-Type
- Raelian
- Railgun
- Raising the bar
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
- Rampant mass consumerism is so evil. Hey, can I have a sip of that Frappucino?
- Real hackers start their own IRC networks so that they can't be traced by the FBI
- Reasons I like pornography
- Red Army Faction
- reign
- Relatively Unknown Famous Greek Philosophers
- Repetition of common words and phrases makes excellent postmodern poetry
- Return to Castle Wolfenstein
- Rhinoceros Party
- Richard Mellon Scaife
- Richard Nixon's Social Security Number
- Rip Taylor
- Robert Frost
- Roget's Thesaurus
- Role of the garage in suburban American culture
- Roman Polanski
- Roman sexuality
- Ronnie James Dio
- Rosenblatt Stadium
- Ross Rifle
- Rules of Recreational Trespassing
- Sam Kinison
- San Dimas High School Football Rules
- Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit
- Say NO to Drugs
- Sayyid Qutb
- seal clubbing
- Sealab 2021
- Sega Master System
- Self-referential nostalgia of questionable historical value
- Semiotics
- Semper Fi
- Senator Robert Byrd and the Roman Republic
- September that never ended
- Shall I Compare Thee to a Dead Portuguese Man-of-War Lying Bloated on a Polluted Beach?
- Shaolin
- Shaolin Soccer
- shellback
- Shoot first, debate dialectical materialism later
- Si decem habeas linguas, mutum esse addecet
- Sideshow Raheem
- Simulacra and Simulation
- simulacrum
- Skeletor
- Skittle Brau
- slap bracelets
- slashdot troll
- Slay them all. God will know his own.
- Slovakia vs. Slovenia
- Smoking in China
- Snick
- So I was balls deep in the guy's ass that night when he turns to me and asks for a kiss. Damn. What a fag.
- Sony's Online Dating Game
- Sorry, but I AM my fucking khakis
- SOY! SOY! SOY! Soy makes you strong! Strength crushes enemies! SOY!
- space war
- Spanaemic
- Spetsnaz
- squick
- Standing on a mountaintop in northern Siberia under the rapidly descending bulk of asteroid McAlmont, with a calculating expression and a baseball bat (fiction)
- Star Wars as an allegory of coming to terms with homosexuality
- Statements that would be shocking to people living in 1975
- Statistics of Americans dying abroad
- Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
- Story of Ricky
- Suge Knight
- Sundae, Bloody Sundae
- Surviving a nuclear explosion
- Swarthy
- Swedish Bikini Team
- Swiss fighting cows (thing)
- Taiping Rebellion
- Take Off My Pants and Tell Me You Love Me and I'll Laugh in Your Face and Call You a Slut
- Take the Skinheads Bowling
- Taking over the world with a Tesla coil
- Teaching your dog to bark less incessantly
- Teapot Dome
- techno
- Tecmo Super Bowl
- Ted Bundy's defense of moral subjectivism
- Tenacious D
- Tentacle Hentai
- Testing wild plants to see if you can eat them
- Testis unus, testis nullus
- Thank God It's Monday
- That icky feeling when a client calls with a downed server and you have no clue how to fix it
- That sweet voice is the means of your coup, and I'm on the retreat
- That which doesn't kill me makes me breakfast
- The "Moon": A Ridiculous Liberal Myth
- The Bacchae
- The Big Lebowski Phenomenon
- The Big Lie
- The Boondock Saints
- The Bulgarian People Under Ottoman Rule
- The Captain and Tennille
- The Cheap Beer Challenge
- The Chicago Prostitute War of 1857
- The Civil War Began In My Front Yard And Ended In My Parlor
- The Constitution of the United States of America
- The customs of your tribe are not laws of nature
- The Decline
- The dirtiest verse in the Bible
- The Doors
- The E2 Backstory (idea)
- The Ecstasy of Saint Theresa
- The fear of the LORD is the ending of freedom
- The freedom of poverty
- The Gay Science
- The Great Molasses Flood of 1919
- The Gulf War II betting pool
- The guy who may as well already be dead and therefore doesn't care about the consequences of his actions and is able to move with perfect freedom for the remainder of what will likely be a tragically short life
- The Hague Convention of 1899
- The Heidi Game
- the Hitler Channel
- The Hundred Flowers Campaign
- The imaginary world where I make up things and they are true
- The insane cost of U.S. health care
- the invention of childhood
- The Irresponsible Captain Tylor
- The Joy Luck Fight Club
- The Last Samurai
- The Laughing Man
- The London Beer Flood of 1814
- the mass extinction of the North American megafauna in the late Pleistocene
- The McDonald's coffee lawsuit
- The Minibosses
- The Myth of Sisyphus
- The Naughty Preposition
- The Office
- The Penis Game
- The plural of anecdote is not data
- The Policeman's Beard is Half Constructed
- The Power of Nightmares
- The Precession of Simulacra in Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
- The Queen Mum is clearly a cyborg
- The Revolt of the Admirals
- The revolution will not be webcast
- The Rise of Nasserism (Part 1)
- The ritualistic cannibalization of one's own savior is weird
- The Road Not Taken
- The Rockford Files
- The Seven Samurai
- The Super Bowl Shuffle
- The Tao of Steve
- The three fatal knife targets above the shoulders
- The top secret of talking like an American
- The Ukrainian terror-famine
- The Venture Bros.
- The War on Errorism
- The weather is here, wish you were beautiful
- The Wharfinger Prize for Creative Writing
- The Whore of Mensa
- The world was designed for giant squid
- The World's Shortest Horror Story
- The yellow face, it burns us! (idea)
- The young poet, facing a deadline, scans pages 450-467 of the OED
- There is no good depression. It's not sexy. It's not fun. It's not the new rock and roll.
- There is no such thing as society
- There is no windchill at absolute zero
- They hate us because we're wonderful
- They hit each other, like fucking Christ intended!
- This is UNIX! I know this!
- This place makes me embarrassed about my spelling, not my sexual deviations
- Thunderball
- Thundercats
- Timeo hominem unius libri
- Timid virgins make dull company
- To Anacreon in Heaven
- Tokyo Breakfast
- Toothpicks: Harmless tools useful in maintaining dental hygiene, or HORRIBLE, DEADLY WEAPONS!?
- Touch the Puppy
- Transformative Politics in Lacan and Said
- Trogdor
- Tron
- turducken
- Two Men Meet, Each Believing the Other to Be of Higher Rank
- Umm Kulthum
- Und so weiter
- university all nighter
- Unstoppable Illegal Operation Dialog of Doom
- Useful Idiot
- Using Arabic on E2
- Vade mecum
- Veni, Vidi, Exii
- Verdun
- Vergil
- Victorian foreign policy
- Vietnam War
- Vietnamization
- Vitruvius
- vote tag
- W. Somerset Maugham
- Wal-Mart as an Anti-Zombie Fortress
- Wall Street
- Walmarts and Blockbusters increase neighborhood violence
- War of the Triple Alliance
- wardriving
- Warren Buffett
- Warren Zevon; Club Bene; South Amboy, NJ; March 18, 2000
- We knew there would be kissing, and breasts
- We'll burn that bridge when we get to it
- We're waiting for you to die
- Webster 1913 sounding like Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure
- Wesley Willis
- What doesn't kill you can only fuck you up for a really, really long time
- What to do if a big dog attacks you
- Wheels within wheels
- When discussing philosophy, please don't mention The Matrix
- When life gives you lemons, just shut up and eat your damn lemons
- When the aliens attack my workplace, I'm going to be so damn READY (idea)
- Where do dogs get their Vitamin C from, when they don't eat fruits?
- Where's Waldo?
- whiskey tango foxtrot, over
- White Day
- white noise
- Who is John Galt?
- Who would win in a knife fight between Webster 1913 and Vulgar Tongue 1811 on the moon?
- Why electrical cords have holes in the prongs
- Why haven't cephalopods made it on land? (idea)
- Why I hate chinks
- Why men like lesbians
- Why strapping buttered toast to a cat's back will not produce infinite power
- Why women should carry the condoms OR the moist towelette theory
- Why women wear makeup and perfume
- William Jennings Bryan
- Winnipeg Jets
- Wired, old school: Information exchange and the explosive popularity of 17th and 18th century coffee houses
- With the Old Breed
- word messer-upper
- Words may sound funny if you repeat them aloud too many times
- Work like you don't need the monkey
- World Cup : Korea/Japan 2002
- Worst episode ever
- Wu-Tang Clan
- XYZ Affair
- Yakov Smirnoff
- Yalta Conference
- Yan Can Cook
- Yankee
- Yatta!
- You are not special. You will die here, too.
- You can't make an omelet without killing a few people
- You do not have a right to not be offended
- You know what? I've had it up to here with "Trix are for kids!" Give the rabbit a fucking bowl of cereal, you dick!
- You noders still fucking suck, but your needing my wisdoms bad
- Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter
- Your picture has spoken a thousand words and now it won't shut up
- Your radical ideas about roman numerals have already occurred to others
- Zen and the Art of Mega Man
- zhaus