user since
Sat Feb 10 2001 at 17:40:07 (24.1 years ago )
last seen
Fri Mar 29 2019 at 15:21:20 (6 years ago )
number of write-ups
112 - View Elrac's writeups (feed)
level / experience
7 (Chronicler) / 2810
C!s spent
mission drive within everything
Some drive, some are driven. I drive a Lexus. I drive people insane.
Dawkins, he speaks truth! I'm a rabidly militant raging atheist now. Apart from that? Programming, interestingly deviant sexual practices, science, language.
If you can't beat them, at least tie them up!
most recent writeup
Tales of MU
Send private message to Elrac

E2 sucks.

E2 continues to be annoying in a number of ways. However, as compared to a few years ago, editors are being a little more humane and a lot more helpful to people outside their circle of friends. That's good, and it bears acknowledging.

But not as much as my job.

You may wonder why I complain yet continue to node here (or rather, I've started again). The answer is that my current job is so boring that even writing unappreciated nodes in an obscure weblog is more interesting.

You want details?

Beware of rabid noder!

I am impolite to the point of boorishness; I am aggressive, arrogant and asocial. Think of me as Dale Carnegie with a minus sign.

I take criticism poorly, so dump on me only if you don't mind being insulted, or feel I could use the practice.

Things I plan to write about

Nodes I want to see nuked

Proof that someone cares about me

Reputation Changes / Cools:
Rep             +/-          C!  +/-  Title  
+13 (+19/-6)    +8 (+11/-3)  1   +1   Tales of MU
+21 (+26/-5)    +1 (+2/-1)   1   +1   The past participle of lead is led
+15 (+17/-2)    +1 (+2/-1)   3        Convert any number to decimal
+19 (+20/-1)    -1           0        Race Conflicts
+7 (+22/-15)    -1           0        ho
+16 (+20/-4)    -1           0        Martinet
+18 (+25/-7)    -1           5        It must be hard for God to get a date
+10 (+15/-5)    -1           2        Both Good & Evil in the Hearts of Men and Women
+12 (+17/-5)    -1           0        How to trisect a line
+1 (+13/-12)    -1           0        Religion: N/A
+1 (+8/-7)      -1           0        phantom reference
+29 (+44/-15)   -1           1        What do you say to Michael Crichton?
+16 (+23/-7)    -1           0        Homeschooling
+13 (+17/-4)    -1           0        Five Bar Gate
+7 (+18/-11)    -1           0        Don't expect God to save you
+16 (+20/-4)    -1           1        Buffy
+16 (+20/-4)    -1           1        The Truth For Youth
+1 (+23/-22)    -1           1        Atheism is just as illogical as believing in God
+6 (+13/-7)     -1           0        The Vegetable Vamps of Venus
+11 (+27/-16)   -1           0        How to stop sinning
+33 (+39/-6)    -1           2        cheeseburger without cheese
+14 (+33/-19)   -1           1        The Greatest Swindle in the History of Mankind
+10 (+15/-5)    -1           0        Ergonomic shortcomings of the mouse as a computer pointing device
+8 (+16/-8)     -1           0        dd
+5 (+7/-2)      -1           0        Olivia d'Abo
+44 (+50/-6)    -1           2        Why won't several thousand Volts of static electricity kill me?
+46 (+59/-13)   -1           4        The Devil went home crying and Jesus never even showed up
+8 (+9/-1)      -1           0        ISPF
+5 (+7/-2)      -1           0        Gelotology
+6 (+14/-8)     -1           0        Kindertotenlieder
+18 (+24/-6)    -1           0        ass
+48 (+54/-6)    -1           4        spanking
+10 (+12/-2)    -1           1        OTK
+17 (+18/-1)    -1           1        birching
+52 (+61/-9)    -1           1        Blue balls
+74 (+102/-28)  -1           4        What men want in a woman
+12 (+15/-3)    -1           0        plink
+18 (+21/-3)    -1           0        Beveridge Report
+9 (+11/-2)     -1           0        fc
+12 (+15/-3)    -1           1        optimal difference algorithm
+15 (+17/-2)    -1           0        northbridge
+2 (+5/-3)      -1           0        Recovering your boot.b
+18 (+23/-5)    -1           0        ring gag
+48 (+61/-13)   -1           0        Schrödinger's Cat
+11 (+12/-1)    -1           0        Eva Habermann
+11 (+13/-2)    -1           0        Afghan
+6 (+8/-2)      -1           1        Standard Schedules Information Manual
+1 (+3/-2)      -1           0        Coyote Linux
+10 (+12/-2)    -1           0        Sepp Herberger
+5 (+7/-2)      -1           0        Nescao
+6 (+8/-2)      -1           0        Dream Log: May 1, 2002

The above is my node update score for a short time, probably only a day or two. There are roughly 50 WUs of mine downvoted, and it looks like exactly the top 50 from a list someone would get from "show Elrac's writeups."

So someone expended a whole day's worth of votes just to... just to what, piss me off? That's not necessary: Whoever it was, I probably didn't like him before, either. Eat shit and die. Remember to come back for my other nodes, asshole!