user since
Mon Sep 6 1999 at 14:30:04 (25.1 years ago )
last seen
Mon Jun 29 2009 at 03:11:24 (15.3 years ago )
number of write-ups
594 - View CentrX's writeups (feed)
level / experience
12 (Laureate) / 8512
C!s spent
mission drive within everything
Truth and All
so it works for mass production?
most recent writeup
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All of my writings here on this site are, by my conscious, intentional will, released into the public domain and so freely available for inclusion in any work or for verbatim reproduction.


Please, if you find any mistakes or wish to contribute any possibly improvements to my writeups, don't hesitate to message me.

mat catastrophe says "...but you seem to be one of those rare noders with no embarrassing pieces of poo in the stew"