user since
Sat Jul 30 2005 at 03:17:20 (19.7 years ago )
last seen
Wed Nov 8 2006 at 08:45:16 (18.4 years ago )
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0 (Initiate) / 0
mission drive within everything
To expand my mind, to help other expand theirs.
"Without thinking, we respect the inherent value of cats and dogs as animals. So, too, human beings have inherent value just as they are, apart from what they accomplish, possess, or whose approval they enjoy." -Edmund J. Bourne, Ph.D.
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Hi there. I'm 35, female, married, no kids, one diabetic cat. I'm the director of a cognitive rehab day program for adults who have brain injuries. I'm also the training coordinator for my agency. Depressing as that may sound, it's really a very enjoyable job - less stressful than you may imagine, and a lot of fun.

I work part time as a financial analyst, I teach a few classes at the local community college, and I teach karate to 5 - 12 year olds two nights a week. I don't sleep much. I practice Tang Soo Do, a Korean art. I've been practicing roughly 10 years, with a couple breaks due to health reasons.

I have Atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia. I am one of those lucky folks who had the zaps on top of the underlying pain, and no meds we could find did much good except high dose opiates. I recently underwent a procedure called CyberKnife, and the results have been nothing short of miraculous. I don't say that lightly. My pain is dramatically less, I am tapering down off obnoxiously high doses of pain meds, and I just feel good.

I am an artist, a writer, a photographer, a martial artist. I enjoy research, and am good at it. My particular areas of interest include the brain (obviously), inborn brain malfunctions, autism (and other developmental disabilities), pharmacology, genetics, and other various brain related medical stuff.

In my spare time (HA!), I like to read, draw, write, play around on the computer, hang out in coffee shops with a good book, do crossword and other pencil puzzles, play with my cat, chat with my husband, and meditate. I'm just getting back into working out, now that I feel better. My muscle strength is coming back nicely, my endurance is taking longer.

There I am. I'm sure I'll add and edit stuff as time goes on.