user since
Sun Aug 31 2003 at 00:26:49 (21.6 years ago )
last seen
Thu Oct 9 2003 at 00:54:01 (21.5 years ago )
number of write-ups
3 - View Astarte's writeups (feed)
level / experience
0 (Initiate) / 7
mission drive within everything
to be remembered by someone when i'm gone
i'd like to think writing. and also, being a major douleur dans le derrière
the only company i have is my own
if you don't suceed, hide all evidence that you ever tried
most recent writeup
I felt a Funeral
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I'd rather be out in the cold than in this sausage - Arathain

Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?
- Edgar A. Poe

Everybody lies, but it doesn't matter because nobody listens. - Nick Diamos

What is happiness? A brief and tense moment, oblivion, a suspension of cares - and the heart-breaking, mysterious flight is resumed again. - Alexander Blok

No neurotic harbors thoughts of suicide which are not murderous impulses against others redirected upon himself. - Sigmund Freud

Sic transit gloria mundi. (And so passes away the glory of this world.) - Thomas Kempis

Everything you ever wanted to know about me! (and some things you didnt)


    -- Name: Astarte

    -- Birth date: 3/13/86

    -- Birthplace: San Diego

    -- Current Location: San Diego

    -- Eye Color: Brown

    -- Hair Color: Brown

    -- Height: 5'4

    -- Weight: 110

    -- Righty or Lefty: righty

    -- Zodiac sign: pisces


    -- Your Heritage: German, French, Italian, and Irish

    -- The shoes you wore today: flip-flops

    -- Your weakness: more than I can name

    -- Your fears: the dark, being alone, and BEING ALONE IN THE DARK

    -- Your perfect pizza: just cheese, with garlic sauce

    -- Goal you'd like to achieve: people to actually read my poetry


    -- Your most overused phrase on AIM: that’s cool

    -- Your thoughts first waking up: depends, on the day before, or what I have to do that day

    -- Your best physical feature: I don’t know, either my eyes or my hands

    -- Your bedtime: whenever. Some point between 10:30 PM-3 AM

    -- Your most missed memory: all of the happy ones, that I can't seem to remember


    -- Smoke: sometimes

    -- Cuss: not too much

    -- Sing: all the time

    -- Take a shower everyday: more like every other day

    -- Have a crush: no

    -- Do you think you've been in love: no

    -- Want to go to college: yes

    -- Like(d) high school: yeah, I will miss it

    -- Want to get married: sometimes I do, others I don't

    -- Believe in yourself: not really

    -- Get motion sickness: no

    -- Think you're attractive: sure

    -- Think you're a health freak: no

    -- Get along with your parents: yeah, pretty well

    -- Like thunderstorms: hell yeah!

    -- Play an instrument: used to play piano and flute, but now I stick to guitar


    In the past month...

    -- Drank alcohol: umm no

    -- Smoked: yes

    -- Done a drug: no

    -- Had sex: I wish

    -- Made out: yes

    -- Gone on a date: yup

    -- Gone to the mall: um, I dunno

    -- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: I wish!!

    -- Eaten sushi: no

    -- Been on stage: no

    -- Been dumped: nope

    -- Gone skating: no



    -- Played a game that required the removal of clothing: nope, thank god

    -- If so, was it mixed company:

    -- Been trashed, or extremely intoxicated: nope

    -- Been caught "doing something": um, no lol

    -- Been called a tease: many times

    -- Gotten beaten up: almost

    -- Shoplifted: yes


    -- Age you hope to be married: any time between 20-25

    -- Number of children and names: 1 girl (Aeris Leona Anduil) and 1 boy (I have no idea).

    -- Describe your dream wedding: blah, I dun wanna

    -- How do you want to die: in my sleep, drowning, spontaneously combust on a city bus, suicide

    -- Where do you want to go to college: SDSU

    -- What do you want to do when you grow up: I wanna be a writer, or a photograher, or a graphic/web designer

    -- What country would you most like to visit: anywhere in the UK


    In a guy/girl...

    -- Best eye color: blue

    -- Best Hair color: black

    -- Short or long hair: for boys, short, but for grrrls it depends on their face

    -- Height: same or taller

    -- Best weight: thin but kinda built, I dun like the muscles

    -- Best articles of clothing: none. No, really, skater, or goth, or just being themself

    -- Best first date location: somewhere you can talk, if you know them already, something you both enjoy

    -- Best first kiss location: a clear cold night, or in the pouring rain, or on their couch, with all the lights off.


    -- # of drugs taken illegally: none

    -- # of people I could trust with my life: 3-5

    -- # of CDs that I own: I dunno, I don’t count

    -- # of piercings: none, yet

    -- # of tattoos: none

    -- # of scars on my body: over 70

    -- # of things in my past I regret: more than I can name. Mostly never being able to cope with my parents fighting. And being born.

Contact information:

AIM: deddollie, kittylikebiscuit, astaroth o3