Size: 1-2 feet high
Amianthium muscaetoxicum

This poisonous plant resembles a Wild Onion. It has a layered bulb, like an onion, and grass-like leaves. Fly Poison looks similar to Death Camass as well, but has a cone shaped group of whitish-green flowers on the top of the central stem, with six petals turning green and finally purple as the plant grows older. The flowers turn into spikey seed pods containing small, elliptal, red seeds. The leaves are tape-like, and wider than that of Death Camass. Fly Poison can be found in swamps and other areas with sandy soil, throughout the eastern United States.

Fly Poison is extremely toxic. Fly Poison actually contains several known toxins. These include cevanine-type veratrum ester alkaloids, amianthine, and jervine, a teratogen. The leaves and bulbs are neurotoxic. Ingesting as little as 0.1% of your body weight could prove fatal. People have been poisoned from touching their mouth after handling this plant. Wash your hands after touching this.

Fly Poison also lacks the odor like that of an onion. I bet you'll be smelling all the wild onion in your yard from now on... again...

Hall, Alan. The Wild Food Trail Guide. Holt, Rhinehart, and Winston. 1945.