YUU U migi (right {hand})

Character Etymology:

A pictograph of the right hand extended over the mouth. The original meaning of this character in Chinese was, "to support verbally," but due to later interpretations of this character's possible meaning of, "the hand favored for feeding," it came to mean right hand or right hand side.

Sorry lefties.

ASCII Art Representation:

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A listing of all on-yomi and kun-yomi readings:

on-yomi: YUU U
kun-yomi: migi migiri

Nanori Readings:

Nanori: aki suke

English Definitions:

  1. YUU, U, migi(ri): right (as in right hand, not as in correct)

Unicode Encoded Version:

Unicode Encoded Compound Examples:

右手 (migite): right hand
右岸 (ugan, migi kishi): right bank or right shore (as you go down a river)
右派 (uha): rightists, the Right Wing, or the Right (polictical).
右端 (utan): right edge, right end, right lane.

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