user since
Mon May 31 1999 at 07:53:46 (25.2 years ago )
last seen
Mon Dec 4 2000 at 00:03:28 (23.6 years ago )
number of write-ups
4 - View Alan Smithee's writeups (feed)
level / experience
0 (Initiate) / -53
mission drive within everything
facilitate the dissemination of personally embarrassing information
big-budget blockbusters
Hollywood, CA
If you think it looks good now, just wait until you see it on the cutting room floor!
most recent writeup
air conditioning
Send private message to Alan Smithee

Hi there, I'm Alan Smithee, a pseudonym used by movie directors when they wish to disassociate themselves from their creations. Maybe they don't like the way the studio has forced them to cut their darling, change the ending, and dumb it down or maybe the movie just turned out crap. They disown it, but the movie still needs a name in that director slot, so I get called out of retirement and there y'have it.

In the past I've taken the blame for abortions like Dennis Hopper's Catchfire, The Birds II and so many other goddamned awful films I can't even remember. Recently, hack screenwriter Joe Esterhas came up with a screenplay about me, but the resulting movie sucked so much that I had to step in and take responsibility for it.

Maybe you'd like to disown one of your nodes? Well, you can rewrite it, can't you? If you'd like to post nodes in my name, feel free... My password is disowned.