user since
Thu Aug 5 1999 at 07:23:45 (25.1 years ago )
last seen
Wed Apr 23 2003 at 00:19:45 (21.4 years ago )
level / experience
0 (Initiate) / -20
mission drive within everything
To kill mutant scabies with my snowshovel
Computers, being lazy, farting, and making an ass out of myself
I work for my psyche... it tells me to quit.
most recent writeup
Barenaked Ladies (idea)
Send private message to !Xabbu

Age: 25-30
Sex: Male
Height: Average
IQ: Huh?
Penis Size: Below average
Marital Status: Married
Pets: Dog (Bouvier/Lab/Terrier Mix we think)
13 Loud, hungry and obnoxious Guinea Pigs
&. A few fish
Occupation: Whipping boy, Average Skilled Web Designer, Typist,
this of course assumes that I am actually working.
Hobbies: I run a BBS called Clockwork Orange BBS (519) 637-4453
Which&.may someday become telnet capable if my city ever
gets a decent high speed 24 hour connection.
Future plans: Pay off my mortgage... hopefully...

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