I enjoy the following hobbies:
- Writing annoyingly long character-oriented novels. But I'm trying to learn to be concise.
- Using my soprano voice to its fullest.
- Playing ridiculous pranks.
- Playing Dance Dance Revolution until I drop.
- Working on my personal website, which is threatening at this moment to take over the Internet.
- Reading books that don't insult my intelligence.
- Doodling in the margins, occasionally fairly well.
- Creating content for my two webcomics, Negative One and So You Write.
- Beating other people at their own games.
- Imitating the voices of several cartoon characters.
- Identifying grammatical errors, typos, and things in language that are just WRONG.
- Playing musical instruments; I play eight instruments with varying degrees of incompetence.
- Memorizing useless things and finding odd times to recite them.
- Surprising people with my unbalancing honesty.
- Typing. Well over 100 wpm.
I am interested in the following:
- Japanese animation, not including hentai and tentacle porn or excessive violence.
- Mythology and religion, especially that which is Pagan in nature.
- Movies that explore the human condition.
- Science fiction and fantasy writings, with focus on character rather than plot.
- Music. That includes ethereal type of the Enya/Loreena McKennitt camp; geeky music of the TMBG and Moxy Früvous camp; funny music of the Arrogant Worms/Weird Al camp; folk music of the Dar Williams/Ani DiFranco camp; and all kinds of music from Simon and Garfunkel nineteen-sixties to Ween, Alanis Morrissette, Björk, the Indigo Girls, Tori Amos, Suzanne Vega, and Kate Bush. (And I like musicals.)
Random facts about me:
- I am a tiny person with long blonde hair. And I frequently get teased about secretly being an elf. Contrary to popular belief, I do not live in a tree and bake cookies. (I do bake cookies, though.)
- I am a vegetarian.
- I live alone.
- I consider myself an atheistic Pagan.
- I have thirteen novels to my name, but only nine are completed.
- I have two literary agents. One represents my fiction and one represents my nonfiction. I'm double-agented. Haha.
- The nonfiction agent recently sold my book. It is entitled The Invisible Orientation: An Introduction to Asexuality. It was published on September 2, 2014.
- I am never bored or depressed.
- In some circles I am sort of Internet famous. Meaning I am recognized in public on occasion by people who have seen my work. Which is sort of weird.
- I've got a horribly filthy mouth, which unbalances people who expect me to have a clean vocabulary since I can be mistaken for an innocent thirteen-year-old.
- Sex does not interest me. That fact interests many.
- I live in Tampa, Florida.
- I am a registered member of the Church of the Subgenius.
- I've never had a driver's license.
- I was born in 1978. On a Tuesday.
- I have been in a movie. (No, not as an extra.)
- There's a lot I'm not sharing.
If you'd like to comment on something I've written on Everything, your compliments and critiques are appreciated, but please be gentle. Suggestions will do, and I will respond to them. ::snort::
Note: I am selfish with my C!s. If you get one from me, consider it serious, not to be taken lightly. If I C! you, I REALLY appreciate your efforts. Except for that one time I C!ed someone accidentally. Oops.