walked on the waves
vipers coaxed of
chains around your head, A medusa
out; into
circles of handcuffs.
Beneficiaries (caught hair streaming, waves sat bey
under the ond)
crescent, bone on the gritted sky, tried their luck.
still upward
eyes, yours as
an offering, a wreath above crows
nest, your hand waving
marked some apology for in- (went here)
tallied a
top the deck of
some sinking boat the
captain feigns indifference
to the rising
Rattled in your
terrace the
dusk had lashed
itself at the
irises -
thrust into some flinching white-
were your clothes still in tatters?
from your shoulders
for 5
more minutes
caught in dawn's fingers in fury,
fell the waves
onto your skyward eyes.
Donginger says re where was my sailboat: Like Welcome to the most refined enjoyment arising from the purest social, benevolent, and religious affections.