Everything2 is a worldwide community of individuals. Because of the differing time zones, some of these folks gravitate towards members who are on during their local prime time. Additionally, there are groups of folks with similar interests, philosophies, religion and experiences.

There are several cliques which have developed since the early days of Everything2. Each of these cliques are described below, including requirements for entry and instructions.

  • Trolls
    1. Requirements for Entry:
      • Submit writeups that insult other users.
      • Submit writeups that are worthless, linkless drivel, yet inspires other noders to reply in anger. Note: To qualify, there must be at least five angry replies to your flame/bait.
    2. To apply for membership:
      • Complete a large volume of the nodes listed under Requirements for Entry.
      • Accumulate an impressive negative XP value.
      • Bring these to the attention of any God-level member of E2.

  • Quality Clique
    1. Requirements for Entry:
      • Write well-written nodes consistently.
      • Accumulate a minimum of 20% Ching! ratio.
      • Have three writeups editor-cooled. Note: Adding a writeup to a node that has been previously editor-cooled does not count.
      • Cull your non-performing nodes before they are killed by editors. If the concept is a sound one, edit the original writeup to improve its standing.
      • Be respectful and appreciative. Thank people for criticism when it is honestly presented. Be humble when you are being praised.
    2. To apply for membership:
      • Complete all parts of Requirements for Entry.
      • Accumulate a Node-Fu of at least 10 for up to Level 6, then maintain a Node-Fu of 8 from Level 6 and above.
      • Find your name on at least three noder's homenodes.

  • The Node-for-Numbers Clique
    1. Requirements for Entry:
    2. To apply for membership:
      • Complete all items in the Requirements for Entry.
      • Have any node that gets above a +3 nuked.
      • Post a minimum of 10 nodes daily for 6 months. After you are done, never return because nobody gives you any respect.
      • Whine daily in the chatterbox. Do not answer any /msg's, especially from God-level members.

  • The Power Structure Gang
    1. Requirements for Entry:
      • Be a certified member of the Quality Clique.
      • Sign up as a Mentor after you've reached Level 4.
      • Help all newbies as you find them in your travels through the nodegel.
      • Get noticed by a member of the Power Structure Gang, or post a request for membership to a friendly Editor or God.
    2. To apply for membership:
      • Complete all items in the Requirements for Entry.
      • When you've become established and respected, inquire about moving up from User status to Editor.
      • Ask questions when they arise, answer questions when you can.

  • The GTKY Glee Club
    1. Requirements for Entry:
      • Write vast quantities of reply writeups to as many Getting-To-Know-You nodes as you can find.
      • Add at least 15 original GTKY nodes to the nodegel.
      • Have at least half of your GTKY nodes become an empty nodeshell without posting a request to have them nuked.
    2. To apply for membership:
      • Complete all items in the Requirements for Entry.
      • Get personally noticed by Dannye, and have him say in the chatterbox that you write a lot of GTKY writeups.
      • Cut-and-Paste Dannye's comments to your homenode.

  • The Everything's Best Users Club
    1. Requirements for Entry:
      • Write a large volume of decent nodes, avoiding the Node-for-Numbers Clique membership.
      • Accumulate a large amount of XP.
    2. To apply for membership:
      • Complete all of the steps under Requirements for Entry.
      • Check the Everything's Best User Superdoc frequently. Membership is automatic when you have sufficient XP.

  • The EDB Tummy Frequent Visitor Clique
    1. Requirements for Entry:
      • Insult people, be generally annoying, use profanity, or spam the chatterbox.
      • Perform this hourly for two months.
    2. To apply for membership:
      • Complete all the steps under Requirements for Entry.
      • Get borged by 10 different people at least 25 times.
      • Discover you have a permanent personal parking space at the entrance to EDB's tummy.

  • The EDEV Posse
    1. Requirements for Entry:
      • Be interested in how Everything2 functions.
      • Be prepared to see large volumes of /msg's daily.
      • Do not qualify for Troll or Node-for-Numbers membership.
    2. To apply for membership:
      • Send a /msg to Nate requesting entry.
      • Wait until he has the time to add you.
      • Decide only to send /msg's when they are appropos to Everything2, especially concerning EDEV interests.

  • the e.e. cummings fan clique
    1. requirements for entry:
    2. to apply for membership:
      • write a lot of nodes sans capital letters.
      • have at least three comments sent to you via the chatterbox suggesting you start using evil capital letters.
      • cut-and-paste these comments to your homenode.

  • The M-Noder Club
    1. Requirements for Entry:
      • Write a minimum of 1000 nodes.
      • You must not qualify for entry in the Node-for-Numbers Clique.
    2. To apply for membership:
      • Complete all steps listed in Requirements for Entry.
      • Make an announcement in the chatterbox after your 1000th node.
      • You will be taught the super-secret handshake and be given the keys to the M-Noders Executive Washroom.

  • Pingouin's Army of Obscure Music-Loving Christians
    1. Requirements for Entry:
    2. To apply for membership:
      • Complete the steps listed in Requirements for Entry.
      • Send a /msg to Pingouin, Saige or Quizro extolling your deeds.

  • The New York City Voting Block
    1. Requirements for Entry:
      • You must have lived or currently live in New York City.
      • You must make the pilgrimage to one of the NYC E2 Noder Gatherings once in your lifetime.
      • Special honored status will be granted to noders who were born in the New York City area, especially Brooklyn.
    2. To apply for membership:
      • Complete the steps outlined in Requirements for Entry.
      • At least one a week announce that you are in or near New York City in the chatterbox.
      • Send a /msg to the next noder you see completing the previous step, or add your name to the next E2 NYC Gathering node that gets written.

  • The Other Noding for Numbers Clique (aka Maths and CS Clique)
    1. Requirements for Entry:
      • Write ponderous nodes of impenetrable, clearly-explained in great boring detail writeups.
      • Have these nodes get C!ed because it's easier to hit C! than to read them.
    2. To apply for membership:

  • Yossarian's School of Badassary
    1. Requirements for Entry:
      • You must be tired of the same old 9 to 5 job.
      • You must be sick of being picked on by people who think they're better than you.
      • You must want to finally learn how to kick ass and take names.
    2. To apply for membership:
      • Answer the questions in Requirements for Entry with an affirmative.
      • View the node for the school.
      • Apply to yossarian. Do not cry if he is rude to you.
      • Defeat thefez in mortal combat. You will be given a butter knife. He will be given a small yield tactical nuke.

  • The Dead Rat Game Players
    1. Requirements for Entry:
      • Have a copy of the dead rat game mirrored on your homenode.
      • Note: One of the easiest cliques to join.
    2. To apply for membership:

  • Boston Alcohol Posse
    1. Requirements for entry:
      • Constitution of Steel and/or deep seated animosity towards one's liver.
      • Must have a special talent none of the other BAP'ers have.
      • Must live in or around the Boston Area
      • Must be worth your weight in Long Island Iced Teas.
    2. To apply for membership:
      • Complete steps outlined in Requirements for entry.
      • You must attend a meeting.
      • You must survive the mysterious dump truck hazing ritual.
      • Contact Chihuahua Grub or donfreenut and communicate your intent.

  • Everything Professional Wrestling Noding Coalition Of DOOM
    1. Requirements for entry:
    2. To apply for membership:
      • Lie that you have achieved the Requirements for entry.
      • Node something inspiring about an obscure name from the wrestling world - say, Lanny Poffo or Flash Funk. This will impress us with your rounded knowledge of the grap game.
      • Think up a position for yourself in the EPWNCOD heirarchy.
      • Liberally ply RimRod with compliments about his deep wrestling knowledge and lustrous hair.
  • The Content Rescue Team / activecrt
    1. Requirements for Entry:
      • Have a good eye for factual quality
      • Understand the way of the database. E2 Mentoring Sign-up, Everything University are a really good start for new noders
      • Be able to recieve critiques, criticism, and praise well.
      • Read the FAQ
      • Read the Nodes page and see the older example rescues.
      • Present any questions to JayBonci, the team leader.
    2. To apply for membership:
      • Complete the Requirements for Entry.
      • Message JayBonci to ask questions and to get a good feel for what goes on.
      • After you are all set, you will be placed on the roster, and the activecrt message list.
  • The E2 Factnoder Clique ("The Covenanters")
    1. Requirements for entry:
      • A heartfelt conviction that factual nodes are the backbone of E2's content
      • Amused tolerance for the other stuff, so long as it remains a small proportion of the whole
      • A desire to ensure that the ratio of facts to other stuff remains at least 9 to 1
    2. To apply for membership:
  • Roninspoon's Assassin Training Camp
    1. Requirements for Entry:
      • Candidates are required to arrive with the following gear: 3 sets of BDUs (OD), 1 patrol cap, 2 pair of approved boots, 1 field knife of at least 6 inches but no longer than 8 inches, 1 pistol chambered for 9mm NATO and 1 rifle (with 10x scope).
      • Candidates should not arrive with civilian clothes, narcotics, or empathy.
      • Candidates must be willing to do anything to achieve a mission objective, including eating kittens, really cute ones.
      • Candidates must be able to lift their own body weight and smell fear.
    2. To apply for entry:
      • Sneak into Roninspoon's home without being discovered or killed and leave an application, properly filled out and signed in your own blood, in his sock drawer.
      • It is the candidates responsibility to discover the proper application form.
      • Eat 10 hardboiled eggs in less than a minute.
    3. Graduates can expect:
      • A short, 48 week, comprehensive training "program."
      • The confidence to face tigers, explosions and bananas like a man, without quivering in fear.
      • The capacity to kill, with not only military grade equipment, but also with common household items.
      • A plethora of skills that will not assist you in attaining a "civlised" job.
      • An attractive 8x10 diploma suitable for framing.


    The gospel of Bobby Davro must be preached, my brothers! See what eminent members of our wordly community have seen the light:

    Bobby Davro needs YOU! Davro's Witnesses are dedicated to spreading the glorious light about the man, the legend, the god that is Bobby Davro! Join us! Bobby Davro will grin upon you.

    Requirements for entry:

    • You must embrace the wonderful light of our leader's omnipotent grin and attempt at every possible opportunity to emulate it in your daily life
    • You must dedicate your entire life to the furtherance of Bobby and the Davrotic Brotherhood - this includes your homenode
    • You must agree to submit to the Bob-given headship of the Brotherhood's earthly leaders, the holy trinity of AnBolb Stupot and Shimmer in all Davro-related matters
    • You must join in our ministry, the global conversion work - display the divine grin and TESTIFY! Convert all you see to the wonderful light by baptising them in the name which trancends all mortal notions of time and space: the name of Bobby Davro.
    Conversion may be carried out by the laying of hands on the convertee's head and shaking violently, yelling "I FILL THEE WITH THE GLORIOUS LIGHT OF BOBBY DAVRO'S DIVINE CABARET!" in a southern american accent and baptism may be accomplished by hitting them with a stick.

    JOIN US!

    More information to be added as more cliques are developed and/or discovered.

    Thanks to:
    Mblase for the M-Noders Club, of which he is an honored member.
    Quizro for the Pingouin's Army of Obscure Music-Loving Christians clique, of which he is a member.
    WickerNipple for the The New York Voter's Block information, of which he is a member. The omission of this clique was not a jab or insult at members of the club, especially since I was born in Brooklyn :P
    Ariels for the The Other Noding for Numbers Clique (aka Maths and CS Clique) information.
    Cletus the Foetus for The Dead Rat Game Players clique information.
    WonkoDSane for pointing out Yossarian's School of Badassary and the Boston Alcohol Posse.
    FastEddie for submitting the Everything Professional Wrestling Noding Coalition Of DOOM clique information.
    Roninspoon for the Assassination Training Camp (don't shoot me!).
    liveforever for the most excellent Factnoder Clique, of which we need more members.
    To add your clique, write up the information in the format used in this node and append it here, then /msg rancid_pickle. Thanks!

    b_o_leary says Your E2 cliques are great and all, but you've missed out on the Dreamy Girly clique who use E2 as a method to allow everyone to gaze into their navel. Not to mention the Chicks Dig Chings clique, who cool anything by the Dreamy Girlies - especially Katyana and Trina - in the hope that they'll sleep with them. :)

    danlowlite says Your E2 Clique Application Forms are good, gooey, fun, and all, but I feel left out! Where's the "Obscure Pseudo-Factual noders who don't have the Chatterbox turned on and don't make any friends" group? We, err, I demand recognition!

    jaubertmoniker says Sorry to bother again: World Theological Mexican Style Wrestling could be added to the E2 Clique Application Form

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