User Bookmarks:
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- a dream is just a hand picked delusion (person)
- A line of reasoning in support of the use of force (idea)
- A New Apartheid (poetry)
- A Nice Beige Carpet (fiction)
- A pill that will make you normal (idea)
- A Valentine's Day Pledge (idea)
- Active vs Passive Nihilism (idea)
- addiction (thing)
- adulthood (idea)
- Advice for people in Long Distance Relationships
- affair (thing)
- All he left her was alone (poetry)
- an nyong ha se yo (idea)
- Animals people have sex with (idea)
- Apparently I am a potential rapist (idea)
- April 11, 2022 (personal)
- Arguments for the Perceived Impending Revival of Imperialism (idea)
- Atheism is a crutch for weak people (idea)
- Attempting to harness the engine of our own destruction, only humans are so foolish. (essay)
- Basic plots (idea)
- Be yourself (idea)
- Beer Soup (thing)
- Being a man (idea)
- Being in a relationship is not a guarantee against loneliness (idea)
- Being really smart and taking lots and lots of drugs (idea)
- Being stoic, Daoist, and at one with the universe is NO FUN (essay)
- Being stoic, Daoist, and at one with the universe is NO FUN (idea)
- Blue cheese-crusted filet mignon
- Brought down as White, kept down as Black, brought up as None, left with me (personal)
- Bugger this: I want a better world (idea)
- By morning I will have erased all traces that I was ever here (idea)
- cat-space (idea)
- Choosing bitterness is taking the easy way out. It's so easy to feel bitter when you've been hurt. Path of least resistence. Forgiveness is a path that goes in a very different direction. (personal)
- Commercialised (idea)
- Conventional Bad Guy Behaviour (idea)
- Converting others to the Darkside (idea)
- Could you pick yourself out of a lineup? (idea)
- Crack (thing)
- Critique of Objectivism (idea)
- David Lynch (idea)
- depression (thing)
- depression (thing)
- derealization (event)
- Do blind people dream? (idea)
- Do you like me? (idea)
- Dope Wars (thing)
- Dream Diary
- dream yourself goodbye (idea)
- Emissary (definition)
- emotional lust (idea)
- Emotionally horny (idea)
- Every long goodbye in the history of our species (idea)
- existential vacuum (idea)
- Falling in love with your best friend (idea)
- Fear is stronger than pain (idea)
- feign indifference (idea)
- Female programming lacks quality (idea)
- Fight Club as Feminist Drama (idea)
- Find your creativity (idea)
- Fingerfucking your best friend (person)
- First They Took Away Napster (idea)
- For every complex problem, there is a solution that is simple, neat, and wrong (idea)
- Fuck me like you fucked that horse (idea)
- Fuck you money (idea)
- Gender (idea)
- Generic stand up comedy routine (thing)
- Geniuses for manual labor (idea)
- Going through the motions (idea)
- good friends are hard to find
- guilt (idea)
- gullibility (thing)
- Hamilton Depression Scale (thing)
- Haragei (idea)
- Hello again, perfect stranger (personal)
- Helping people cheat (idea)
- Her legs shifting underneath the desk (idea)
- How and why do we (humans) have culture? (essay)
- How Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends wrecked my love life (idea)
- How to be a Better Person (idea)
- How to be a good evil villain (person)
- How to Fight Loneliness (idea)
- How to Fight Loneliness (idea)
- How to raise your Self-Esteem (thing)
- How to summon Mothra (idea)
- humanity (idea)
- hyper-reality (idea)
- hyper-reality (idea)
- I am a failure (idea)
- I am not hitting on you (idea)
- I am nothing but my sins (poetry)
- I fought popular culture, and popular culture won (idea)
- I hate you. Please don't leave me. (thing)
- I Just Want You To Be Happy (idea)
- I left myself at the Airport (idea)
- I see these eyes that lit my life. Now they're cold and dark and gone. (person)
- I've accepted the way it is and it doesn't hurt so much (idea)
- I've been a woman for too long (idea)
- If I don't care, I don't have to hurt (personal)
- If you think hugs are better than drugs, you haven't tried LSD (idea)
- In the real world, it is almost always women and not men who are waiting under windows (person)
- It (thing)
- It is never too late to be what you would have been (idea)
- Japanese puns that are not funny but at least are puns (idea)
- Japanese Words About Gardens J-K (idea)
- July 7, 2008 (log)
- Killing the beauty in a child through socialization (thing)
- language complicates our lives (essay)
- Let's just be friends (idea)
- loneliness is a universal theme (idea)
- Lonely in a crowded room (idea)
- Loom (thing)
- Lost in the Funhouse (idea)
- marriage does not make sense (idea)
- Masks (person)
- Memory (idea)
- memory box (personal)
- metamood (idea)
- mind control (idea)
- mind control (idea)
- mindfuck (idea)
- My inability to effectively express my thoughts is driving me crazy (idea)
- My old man (person)
- naan (thing)
- Natsume Soseki (person)
- neurosis (idea)
- Never let them see you bleed (idea)
- Nice boots, wanna fuck? (idea)
- November 20, 2010 (personal)
- On keeping a journal (idea)
- on the occasion of the city having fallen to the forces of evil, and there being no hope left among the people (idea)
- Pain (idea)
- Palestine (place)
- Palestine (place)
- Palestine (thing)
- Parmenides' fallacy (idea)
- People are impossible. I should know; I'm one of them. (idea)
- People who argue, using terms they refuse to define (idea)
- Polenta with roasted red pepper sauce, roasted monster mushrooms, salad of fresh peas and onions (thing)
- Pretend you're not dying inside (idea)
- pretty girls (idea)
- Prostitution (idea)
- Psychonauts (thing)
- read to me (idea)
- remorse (idea)
- remorse (thing)
- Reverie (definition)
- Roasted red pepper cream sauce (thing)
- Roberta Flack (idea)
- sacrifice (idea)
- sad and lonely (thing)
- Sapir-Whorf hypothesis (idea)
- Scary, xenophobic subtexts in The Matrix (idea)
- Scary, xenophobic subtexts in The Matrix (idea)
- Science fiction clichés (idea)
- Sex in Korea (person)
- Sex in Korea (personal)
- She pulled the "I love you" on me (idea)
- Should I be happy? (idea)
- Sometimes friendships were meant to be destroyed (idea)
- Soul mate (person)
- Sound and Colour of Pines (idea)
- Starting Over (idea)
- Suburbia (thing)
- Suicide is a permanent solution to a permanent problem (idea)
- Tell me a story about being really alive (idea)
- The 'Gospel of Wealth' in early modern Japanese urban culture (idea)
- The Art of Insulting (thing)
- The best way to cure a broken heart is to give the pieces away (poetry)
- The correlation between material wealth and happiness (idea)
- The difference between desire and being desired (idea)
- The difference between resistance and terrorism (idea)
- The emotionally mature thing to do (idea)
- The eternal welfare of your soul (idea)
- The evolution of a runner (idea)
- The guy who may as well already be dead and therefore doesn't care about the consequences of his actions and is able to move with perfect freedom for the remainder of what will likely be a tragically short life (person)
- The note I didn't give to the woman in the bookstore (thing)
- The pretty girl has no friends (person)
- The Right to Sunshine (idea)
- The Transmigration of Timothy Archer (thing)
- The unchoreographed movements of close friends in a small room (fiction)
- The unending confusion of watching a Christina Aguilera music video (idea)
- The way things have always been done (idea)
- The world breaks everyone (idea)
- The world breaks everyone (idea)
- These are the moments I would share with you (poetry)
- Things men want when they're drunk (idea)
- Thinking myself in circles (event)
- This Is a Long Drive for Someone with Nothing to Think About (review)
- This is not how I am (idea)
- Those who are the most intelligent are often the most likely to go insane (idea)
- Those who are the most intelligent are often the most likely to go insane (person)
- Thoughts While Having Sex (thing)
- TiHKAL (review)
- To fall in love we must abandon ourselves to nature (person)
- unfulfilled
- Vegetarian meals that aren't just brown gack (idea)
- Very emotional people are either psychotic or sincere (idea)
- voices in my head (person)
- wabi-sabi (idea)
- War is peace, Freedom is slavery, Ignorance is strength (idea)
- War is peace, Freedom is slavery, Ignorance is strength (idea)
- Wasp (thing)
- Watching my daughter conform (idea)
- We exchange stories of almosts, of near deaths, theories on fate and algorithm, probability and God (idea)
- We sit together and we sit apart (person)
- web3 (essay)
- What do you know of me, or I of you? (idea)
- What happens when you get too lonely (idea)
- What happens when you tell a girl you'll call and you don't (idea)
- What is my life missing (idea)
- What people talk about when they can't think of anything to talk about (thing)
- What We Talk about When We Talk About Love (thing)
- When everybody carries masks (idea)
- When it is easier to let it happen than to fight it (thing)
- When over 95% of its people endure unspeakable torture daily, Planet Earth is officially known as a prison (idea)
- Why are we all so troubled? (idea)
- Why do you keep banging your head against the wall? (personal)
- Why I don't like my fellow Asian youth (idea)
- Why the Chinese invented martial arts (idea)
- Why the sun is yellow (idea)
- Yaldabaoth (person)
- You can become as successful as the most successful person ever (idea)
- You can't stop thinking of her: this is how you explained it, a proof of your being in love. (idea)
- you should pay rent in my mind (personal)
- You, with your timid, half-hearted intimacies (idea)
- Your Boyfriend Hates You (idea)
- Your True Jedi Name (thing)
- Yudkowsky's Scale of Future Shock Levels (idea)
- Zen (idea)