user since
Wed Nov 13 2002 at 13:13:19 (22.4 years ago )
last seen
Sun Jul 23 2006 at 18:35:47 (18.7 years ago )
number of write-ups
60 - View tdent's writeups (feed)
level / experience
5 (Crafter) / 1953
mission drive within everything
to deliver enlightenment noded thoroughly
Physics, music, philosophy, pedantry
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
to do evil, never think
most recent writeup
Playing God
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O Mensch! Gib acht!
Was spricht, die tiefe Mitternacht?
"Ich schlief, ich schlief -,
Aus tiefem Traum bin ich erwacht: -
Die Welt ist tief,
Und tiefer als der Tag gedacht.
Tief ist ihr Weh -,
Lust - tiefer noch als Herzeleid:
Weh spricht: Vergeh!
Doch alle Lust will Ewigkeit -,
- Will tiefe, tiefe Ewigkeit!"
O Man! Take heed!
What says the deep midnight?
"I slept, I slept -,
From a deep dream I awoke: -,
The world is deep,
Deeper than the day believed.
Deep is its pain -,
Desire - deeper still than heartbreak:
Pain says: Pass away!
But all desire wants eternity -,
- wants deep, deep eternity!"
Friedrich Nietzsche, Also Sprach Zarathustra

When Shakespeare was writing a sonnet
He usually wore a pink bonnet
A lily-white dress
Just like Queen Bess
And a codpiece with little bells onnet.

Ideas... If I don't node them, someone should.

Earnshaw's Theorem, Magnetic Levitation and the Levitron (Done - but there is still the backstory of one guy copying the other guy's invention...) the Jeans Instability (DONE! check it out) and James Jeans.

I was Saddam's Double

Domain of validity of a theory

The Orange Pill (To be read in a Scots accent)

Sitting 'neath a rain-swept moor-henge,
Dougal reached inside his sporran-
Jammed in with a broiled moorhen-
Gently extracted something orange.

'Twas to ease a stomach pang which
Deepening to gastric anguish,
Brought on by a haggis sandwich,
Caused him to emit foul language.

If you node for the ages, it takes ages to node.

Noding Credo, Article 1: Your opinions on noding belong, mostly, on your homepage.

Article 2: Node what you really know, what you aren't going to forget in a week's time having culled it from some article or encyclopedia.

Article 3: If a factual writeup begins to be a chore, find something else more interesting to write about.

Article 4: Facts are as exciting as stories, if you care about them and manage to communicate this interest.

Since it says "User's bio", here is a bio:

Born York, U.K., 1975, moved to Birmingham, U.K., where attended school, learnt to play piano, bassoon, harpsichord, sang treble, alto and bass parts (in that order), decided to pursue physics. Physics degree at University of Oxford, where conducted amateur choir among other activities and sang tenor. Another physics degree at University of Sussex, more of the same. Two years in U.S. at Ann Arbor, Michigan, doing research in theoretical - you guessed it - physics and marvelling at the size of people's salaries and SUV's. Recently moved to Greece, which is very Byzantine.

Alternative personas:

"Slayer", a.k.a. "the violent one", starring under the latter epithet in a range of SF stories (going under the imaginative name SFSTORY), written by someone who didn't know of my existence, yet used my name to create an uncanny echo of my true personality (although I don't think he envisaged a British accent).

"Daimon D'n't", another character in another science fiction parody, who has big ears, a chip on the shoulder (until it gets knocked off by the gust of wind that the ears produce whenever he moves his head), and a tendency to wear dressing-gowns at unexpected times of day. (I should mention that I didn't write any of these SF parodies, nor do I understand half of them.)

"Victor E. Borg", cybernetic pianist and amateur vocalist.