Grundoon and I were raised with music and memorized songs. We did not have a television until I was 9 and she was six. She and my father and I recorded some of the family songs before they both died in 2012 and 2013. We were raised on the songs.
Songs to raise girls
If you find any nodes you think should be in this category, message the maintainer (or an editor) with your suggestion.
Maintained By: lizardinlaw
Title | by | Type | |
1 | Dark As A Dungeon (essay) | lizardinlaw | writeup |
2 | Down by the Salley Gardens (essay) | lizardinlaw | writeup |
3 | Billy Barlow (essay) | lizardinlaw | writeup |
4 | Pack up your sorrows (essay) | lizardinlaw | writeup |
5 | Long Black Veil (essay) | lizardinlaw | writeup |
6 | My name is Samuel Hall (essay) | lizardinlaw | writeup |
7 | Waltzing with Bears (essay) | lizardinlaw | writeup |
8 | if I was goody (essay) | lizardinlaw | writeup |
9 | The Brewer's Big Horses (essay) | lizardinlaw | writeup |
10 | Bessie, the drunkard's own child (essay) | lizardinlaw | writeup |
11 | Paper of pins (essay) | lizardinlaw | writeup |
12 | I shall leave you (thing) | lizardinlaw | writeup |
13 | Stages of grief: anger (essay) | lizardinlaw | writeup |
14 | mud, mud, glorious mud (thing) | lizardinlaw | writeup |
15 | don't put it in your mouth (thing) | lizardinlaw | writeup |