Comedy series on Nickelodeon in the early 90s (or 90's). Chronicled the adventures of some kids at Camp Anawana. The kids were witty enough to nickname their counselor, Kevin Lee, "Ug". Get it? "Ug" Lee? Ha.

The only big name in the cast was Danny Cooksey, as Bobby Budnick, the camp troublemaker. And by 'big name' I mean only that he actually had a regular role on Diff'rent Strokes six years earlier.

The head of the camp, Dr. Kahn, was never seen, but rumor has it that his voice was done by Ben Stein. I don't believe it myself; the voice is too different.

The other characters included normal kid Michael, environmental activist Z.Z., material girl Dina, female jock Telly, fat kid Donkey Lips, and technical wizard Sponge.

The title of the show, by the way, is explained in the opening sequence, where we see Donkey Lips playing "Reveille" while Budnick runs a pair of shorts up the flagpole.

A great syndicated show that ran from 1991-1992, but was in reruns for years.

The Theme song:
We run. We jump. We swim and play. We row and go on trips.
But the things that last forever… are our dear friendships.

Camp Anawanna, we hold you in our hearts.
And when we think about you (it makes me wanna fart)

Ug: “It’s ‘I hope we never part’. Now get it right or pay the price.”

Now we will share a lifetime of the fondest memories.
By the lake of Anawanna… Sat in the old pine trees.
Camp Anawa-…, we hold you in our hearts.
And when we think ab-… this thing, it came apart
Think Anawanna-wanna, speak Anawanna-wanna…
Live Anawanna-wanna. Ug!

Cast: Kirk Baily (Kevin "Ug" Lee)
Megan Berwick (Z.Z. Ziff)
Michael Ray Bower (Eddie 'Donkeylips' Gelfen) (also in Dude, Where's my car?)
Danny Cooksey (Bobby Budnick) (also in Terminator 2)
Venus DeMilo (Telly Redford)
Tim Eyster (Sponge Harris)
Heidi Lucas (Dina Alexander)
Erik MacArthur (Michael Stein)
Blake Soper (Ronnie Pinsky) replaced Michael midway through

Taken from

Long before it was a sitcom it was a book. Salute Your Shorts: Life at Summer Camp, written by Thomas Hill and Steve Slavkin, came out in 1986 and was a hilarious kids book about (surprise, surprise) life at summer camp. Presented as a combination general survey and week-by-week playbook, it dealt with all the major (and most of the minor) aspects of camp life, from Meet Your Bunkmates to Camp Pranks and 57 Names Equivalent to "Jerk". The title comes from advice given on what to do when your only pair of underwear has been stolen and run up the flagpole. What else can you do? You must salute your shorts.

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