- user since
- Thu Mar 18 1999 at 10:34:59 (26 years ago )
- last seen
- Sun Sep 11 2011 at 01:27:20 (13.5 years ago )
- number of write-ups
- 513 - View ophie's writeups (feed)
- level / experience
- 24 (Grand Poobah) / 30169
- C!s spent
- 372
- specialties
- ruling satan's ass with a barbed wire dildo
- most recent writeup
- megaesophagus
- Send private message to ophie
User Bookmarks:
- Acanthaceous
- Acetic
- Acidulent
- Acrolith
- agony
- Anthropopathy
- Antisocialist
- Autocephalous
- Baryphony
- Begrave
- Bespit
- Bespurt
- Bimanous
- Bluestockingism
- Brast
- Calvish
- Caperclaw
- Catechise
- Co-legatee
- Concealable
- Coxcomically
- Crudy
- Dieciousness
- Digress
- Disintegrable
- Disinterestedly
- Distensible
- Dizz
- Dour
- Drony
- Embowelment
- Endamage
- Erethism
- Feminization
- Flexanimous
- Fosterment
- Frowy
- Gotten
- Gril
- Hemiopsia
- Hemostatic
- Hesitatory
- Hinderling
- Hollo
- Humanify
- Idalian
- Ill-starred
- Imminence
- Imparity
- Implacable
- Incipience
- Increpate
- Inertion
- Infantly
- Inkiness
- Irrebuttable
- Irrelevancy
- Jacobinism
- Justicement
- Languorous
- Maggot-pie
- Modificable
- Multiramified
- Multiscious
- Myotic
- November 5, 2004 (place)
- Ogreism
- Overfeed
- Paralytic
- Plebification
- Predictive
- Pressor
- Putrescin
- Re-formation
- Rectify
- Redditive
- Reemerge
- Remord
- Retentivity
- Riskful
- Scathe
- Schismatize
- Sciolous
- Scotticize
- Self-depraved
- Self-sufficing
- Somnambulate
- Sopition
- Stoor
- Stram
- Strangleable
- Sudden
- Superfluity
- Supralunary
- Symmetrian
- Tactility
- Testif
- Totterer
- Tripedal
- Trismus
- Tumbledung
- Turbid
- twelve
- Underbred
- Underhanded
- Unmartyr
- Unvisard
- Unworth
- Vying
- Westing
- Yester-morning