22 year Electronics veteran, 2 yrs computer programming tech school, 1 year electronics school in USAF, done computer support since 1986 when we thought 16mhz was 'a-cookin-processor' 'specially if you had a math coprocessor with your 8088. Have done R & D, test, troubleshoot & repair of everything from GPS, Oil rig controller systems, satellite CPU for Orbital Sciences to automatic carwash control systems. Did CAD for a while and loved it, wish I could go back to school. Got laid off 10-11-02 in this wonderful Dubya economy we have now and refuse to get 'dissed to start all over again at 10 bucks an hour for any computer repair company. I've done my time.
- user since
- Sun Jan 26 2003 at 02:27:50 (22.2 years ago )
- last seen
- Sun Jan 26 2003 at 02:43:58 (22.2 years ago )
- level / experience
- 0 (Initiate) / 0
- mission drive within everything
- To learn even more
- specialties
- varied
- school/company
- me
- motto
- Reach for the stars, but keep your hand out of the ceiling fan...
- Send private message to ninjagirl