Nestled in the small town of Boone, North Carolina, Appalachian State University was founded in 1899 as Watauga Academy by brothers Blanford B. and Dauphin D. Dougherty. Their goal was to educate teachers who could then help educate the people of the North Carolina mountains. In 1903, Dauphin D. Dougherty (or D.D. Dougherty) lobied the North Carolina legislature to fund a teacher's training school in Boone, and won. Watauga Academy became Appalachian Training School for Teachers in October of that year.

The school grew steadily over the years, becoming Appalachin State Teacher's College and a "four-year, degree granting institution" in 1929. Finally, in 1967 the school switched from being solely a teacher's college and began to offer various degrees, thus becoming Appalachian State University.

ASU has now grown into a school of 12,800 students, with University-owned housing in New York City and Washington, D.C., as well as an extensive study-abroad program. The school was recently selected as Time Magazine's "College of the Year" for 2001, receiving the title of "Master College." Appalachian State University continues to strive for diversity in the student body and the highest in academic standards.


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