Belgand can currently be reached at:
Physical address available upon request or from the registry
I seem to have fallen through the cracks. Being here for years, yet making little to no real impact. A passing voice that when heard on occasion remains unrecognized and unremarkable. Is this how my entire life is to be lived?
I thought I was gone. I never really thought I'd come back here after being gone for... six years was it? Seven? Almost longer than I had been around in the first place. But then... I'll probably stay away again. Just a brief visit to an old home. Looking at what used to be familiar, but no longer is entirely. Shaking off a few cobwebs, remembering some of the good times while conveniently forgetting most of the bad ones.
Weekend sound track brought me back. Excavated from an old hard drive and finding that I was missing almost half of it. Did I ever have the entire thing? It seems like maybe not. I probably never will. The weekend won't be able to end, just stuck endlessly on Saturday just as dusk starts to roll around and plans are being made for the evening. Maybe that isn't such a bad place to be.