Time Details
2024-06-21 16:28:13 wertperch changed outside topic to 'Rest in peace, lawnjart. The official stance of E2 is fuck cancer. And on the side, there's a new quest!'
2024-06-21 14:18:16 wertperch changed outside topic to 'Rest in peace, lawnjart. The official stance of E2 is fuck cancer. And on the side, a new quest!'
2024-03-30 15:08:39 Auspice changed room topic to 'Rest in peace, lawnjart. The official stance of E2 is fuck cancer.'
2024-03-08 15:43:44 weroland changed room topic to 'Terse Quest 2024 is over and the results are in at March 2, 2024. Must mean that it's time to prepare for...LieQuest 2024!'
2024-03-05 18:16:09 weroland changed room topic to 'Terse Quest 2024 is over and the results are in at March2, 2024. Must mean that it's time to prepare for...LieQuest 2024!'
2024-03-02 23:15:25 weroland changed room topic to 'Terse Quest 2024 is over and the results are in at March 2, 2024. Thank you, everybody! (p.s. I hear tall tales of another quest just over the horizon...)'
2024-03-02 22:09:05 weroland changed room topic to 'Terse Quest 2024 is over and the results are in at March 2, 2024. Thank you, everybody!'
2024-03-01 00:02:46 weroland changed room topic to 'Terse Quest 2024 has come to a close! We thank you and ask for a moment to distribute bounties and recognitions.'
2024-02-29 00:12:15 weroland changed room topic to 'Terse Quest 2024 has less than 24 hours to go! Come and join us! We're certain you have 300 words on something!'
2024-02-24 17:22:05 weroland changed room topic to 'Terse Quest 2024 has less than a week left! Come and join us! We're certain you have 300 words on something!'
2024-02-24 17:20:05 weroland changed room topic to 'Terse Quest 2024 has less than a week left! Come and join us! We're certain you have 300 words on somethjing…'
2024-02-14 02:03:45 wertperch changed outside topic to 'Terse Quest 2024 is live! Come and join us! I'm certain you have 300 words on somethjing…'
2024-02-09 14:39:18 weroland changed room topic to 'Terse Quest starts soon! Check out the awesomeness of the Iron Nodes from November! The Everything Poem has a new stanza!'
2024-02-09 13:16:36 weroland changed room topic to 'Terse Quest starts soon! Check out the awesomeness of the Iron Nodes from November! The Everything Poem has a new stanza!'
2024-02-08 00:03:32 weroland changed room topic to '7 days until Terse Quest! Check out the awesomeness of the Iron Nodes from November! The Everything Poem has a new stanza!'
2024-02-05 21:56:13 weroland changed room topic to 'Prepare for the first Terse Quest! Check out the awesomeness of the Iron Nodes from November! Also The Everything Poem has a new stanza.'
2024-02-04 02:50:00 weroland changed room topic to 'Prepare for the first Terse Quest! Check out the awesomeness of the Iron Nodes from November! Also The Everything Poem has a new stanza.'
2023-12-03 20:08:54 wertperch changed outside topic to 'Check out the awesomeness of the Iron Nodes from November! 
Also The Everything Poem has a new stanza.'
2023-12-01 14:48:58 wertperch changed The Void topic to 'test test'
2023-12-01 14:48:14 wertperch changed The Void topic to 'test …test'
2023-12-01 14:47:54 wertperch changed The Void topic to 'text test'
2023-12-01 14:47:20 wertperch changed The Void topic to 'test …test'
2023-12-01 14:46:20 wertperch changed The Void topic to 'test 
2023-12-01 14:18:11 wertperch changed outside topic to 'Check out the Iron Nodes from December! 
Also The Everything Poem has a new stanza.'
2023-12-01 14:16:12 wertperch changed outside topic to 'Check out the Iron Nodes from December! \n Also The Everything Poem has a new stanza.'
2023-11-15 04:56:28 wertperch changed outside topic to 'Do you have what it takes? Challenge yourself in the HALL OF IRON. \\ The Everything Poem has a new stanza!'
2023-11-01 23:04:29 Auspice changed room topic to 'Do you have what it takes? Challenge yourself in the HALL OF IRON. \\ The Everything Poem has a new stanza!'
2023-11-01 23:04:03 Auspice changed room topic to 'Do you have what it takes? Challenge yourself in the HALL OF IRON. The Everything Poem has a new stanza!'
2023-11-01 23:03:48 Tem42 changed room topic to 'Do you have what it takes? Challenge yourself in the HALL OF IRON. The Everything Poem has a new stanza!'
2023-11-01 23:03:31 Auspice changed room topic to 'Do you have what it takes? Challenge yourself in the HALL OF IRON. The Everything Poem has a new stanza!'
2023-11-01 23:03:12 Auspice changed room topic to 'Do you have what it takes? Challenge yourself in the HALL OF IRON. The Everything Poem has a new stanza!'
2023-11-01 23:02:09 Tem42 changed room topic to 'Do you have what it takes? Challenge yourself in the HALL OF IRON. The Everything Poem has a new stanza!'
2023-11-01 23:01:24 Tem42 changed room topic to 'Do you have what it takes? Challenge yourself in the HALL OF IRON.The Everything Poemhas a new stanza!'
2023-11-01 23:01:00 Tem42 changed room topic to 'Do you have what it takes? Challenge yourself in the HALL OF IRON.The Everything Poemhas a new stanza!'
2023-11-01 23:00:47 Jet-Poop changed room topic to 'Do you have what it takes? Challenge yourself in the HALL OF IRON. The Everything Poem has a new stanza!'
2023-11-01 22:59:15 Jet-Poop changed room topic to 'Do you have what it takes? Challenge yourself in the HALL OF IRON.The Everything Poemhas a new stanza!'
2023-09-26 02:18:55 Auspice changed room topic to 'The spiders have designs on your interiors. Distract them with pressing matters like Libera te Tutemet ex Inferis: The 2023 Halloween Horrorquest!'
2023-09-20 17:22:37 BookReader changed outside topic to 'Ignore the broken jar and the spiders that escaped from it. Do not feed the spiders, even if they ask politely.'
2023-07-21 14:31:23 Tem42 changed room topic to 'Maintaining grass lawns increases greenhouse gasses, pollutes ecosystems, wastes water, and diminishes biodiversity. Don't lawn, lawns are evil. '
2023-05-13 13:24:47 Jet-Poop changed room topic to 'Calling all Space Rangers! We need your contributions to this year's SciFiQuest!'
2023-04-23 15:53:30 Auspice changed room topic to 'Links are fixed! We now return you to your regular E2 experience.'
2023-04-19 20:48:09 Tem42 changed room topic to 'Multi-word links and searching are currently broken for everyone; we are working on it. In the meantime, please help your fellow noder by posting links to your favorite words in the chatbox.'
2023-03-31 15:13:05 raincomplex changed room topic to 'It's Spring Quest! Write things about spring, renewal, rebirth, life, and the fresh wonders of the universe!! In the southern hemisphere, it's Autumn Quest!'
2023-03-31 14:54:11 raincomplex changed room topic to 'It's Spring Quest! Write things about spring, renewal, rebirth, life, and the fresh wonders of the universe !!'
2023-03-18 21:26:45 Clockmaker changed room topic to 'It is seriously not still Brevity Quest.'
2023-02-02 23:31:08 wertperch changed room topic to 'Prizes available in Brevity Quest 2023 - write for us, read and vote on the entries, your votes count throughout February!'
2023-01-19 17:34:17 andycyca changed room topic to 'Word Enchiladas at your local e2. Fabulous prizes! Ask andycyca about it'
2022-12-01 04:04:04 Jet-Poop changed room topic to 'Iron Noder is fiiiiinished! Thank you to all participants! || Word Enchiladas are coming back!'
2022-11-01 15:48:57 Jet-Poop changed room topic to 'Iron Noder is GOOOOO! || Word Enchiladas are coming back!'
2022-10-24 18:24:49 andycyca changed room topic to 'There is a quest on. Be scared. || Word Enchiladas are coming back!'
