This month has seen a series of new features being added to the site, mostly by in10se and Oolong, along with a few other improvements. Here are the main ones:
  • Writeups by Type allows you to list writeups according to whether they're designated as poetry, reviews, places, etc.
  • Log Archive lists all the various kinds of log submitted in any given month.
  • Relatedly, we now dedicated nodelets for Logs and Dreams, which you can find in Nodelet Settings.
  • Another new nodelet, Usergroup Writeups, allows you to list the writeups added to usergroups you're a member of, using the various commands which usually end in -ify which you get when you join certain usergroups. These are also listed here as well on the individual usergroup pages.
  • Between the Cracks lists the least-voted-on writeups on the site - the things that nobody noticed, that lie forgotten, down the back of the sofa or lodged between two floorboards.
  • Everything User Search is now vastly easier to navigate.
  • Everybody can now see who created any given node, and customise their writeup headings.
  • Various other bits and pieces are catalogued in Root Log: January 2008.