A friend of mine, fiery, passionate and talented married the man of her dreams a year ago. A little over a week ago he was murdered, and if the police reports are correct the person who did it was his son. She crushed, angry, broken as she's not a kid and this was the relationship she'd worked a lifetime to find. And boom! It's gone. He's gone. Hope is gone.
There is nothing anyone can say or do that will help in the least. I don't know why it happened. I suspect drugs, but look nobody's saying much and it's none of my business anyway. It doesn't really matter why this horrible event happened, because knowing isn't going to fix anything. Yes, it will add to statistics, and they may prove useful if statistics about gun violence actually meant anything in the United States. Deb is wearing her pain openly, but then I might too in her shoes. I wonder what it will do to her art, or if she will just cease.
Life can be be beautiful and joyous. And in a moment it's gone, leaving only a legacy of pain.