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Maintained By: lizardinlaw

Rural primary care, practical medicine, demystifying medicine, decoding confusing language in medicine, myth busting and general updates from a rural family MD in practice for over 25 years.

201 Covid-19: caring for yourself (how-to) lizardinlaw writeup
202 Covid-19: Simplified self care (thing) lizardinlaw writeup
203 Covid-19: long term blood cell changes (thing) lizardinlaw writeup
204 September 2, 2021 (log) lizardinlaw writeup
205 Covid-19: bits of good news (thing) lizardinlaw writeup
206 Adverse Childhood Experiences 12: Welcome to the dark. (thing) lizardinlaw writeup
207 Working for The Man (thing) lizardinlaw writeup
208 October 1, 2021 (thing) lizardinlaw writeup
209 October 5, 2021 (log) lizardinlaw writeup
210 Covid-19: emotional weather (thing) lizardinlaw writeup
211 Covid-19: in flew Enza (thing) lizardinlaw writeup
212 Covid-19: working in healthcare (thing) lizardinlaw writeup
213 What I learned from my first doctor job (thing) lizardinlaw writeup
214 covid-19: fasten your seatbelts II (thing) lizardinlaw writeup
215 cognitive behavioral therapy (thing) lizardinlaw writeup
216 adaptive theory of PANS/PANDAS (thing) lizardinlaw writeup
217 your heart beats in 2s and 2s (thing) lizardinlaw writeup
218 March 23, 2021 (log) lizardinlaw writeup
219 MKULTRA (thing) lizardinlaw writeup
220 The chances of a poet reaching us are very slim (fiction) lizardinlaw writeup
221 If vodka, tar and sauna don't help, the disease leads to death. (idea) gn0sis writeup
222 Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure (thing) lizardinlaw writeup
223 including but not limited to (thing) lizardinlaw writeup
224 Code Blue (thing) lizardinlaw writeup
225 neuropsychiatric disorder (thing) lizardinlaw writeup
226 December 3, 2021 (log) lizardinlaw writeup
227 December 4, 2021 (thing) lizardinlaw writeup
228 December 2, 2021 (fiction) lizardinlaw writeup
229 Covid-19: masks work, we figured that out YEARS ago (thing) lizardinlaw writeup
230 Response to a metastatic cancer patient (idea) lizardinlaw writeup
231 December 6, 2021 (log) lizardinlaw writeup
232 Covid-19: omicron (thing) lizardinlaw writeup
233 Covid-19: influenza again (thing) lizardinlaw writeup
234 Covid-19: long haul (thing) lizardinlaw writeup
235 Covid-19: a tiny bit of good news (thing) lizardinlaw writeup
236 Covid-19: Good and Bad News (thing) lizardinlaw writeup
237 viral load (thing) lizardinlaw writeup
238 PCLC (thing) lizardinlaw writeup
239 Rationing health care (idea) lizardinlaw writeup
240 January 4, 2022 (log) lizardinlaw writeup
241 Covid-19: aftermath (thing) lizardinlaw writeup
242 Covid-19: myocarditis (thing) lizardinlaw writeup
243 Covid-19: long haul II (thing) lizardinlaw writeup
244 February 11, 2022 (log) lizardinlaw writeup
245 February 26, 2022 (log) lizardinlaw writeup

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