Affectionately called "Sand-n-Jello" by some of its sillier residents, it's a city of about 90,000 people in West Texas. It's less likely to show up on maps than, say, Midland (ahem, hometown of our pres-elect), but it's really the only city of any size in its area. It's three hours west of Austin, two hours east of Midland, and an hour and half south of Abilene.

You might not think so if you happen to be in the middle of it, but it is a fine town to go to high school in. At least I though so. There's plenty of stuff to do, and plenty of opportunities to get away from the house, which was crucial to my sanity at that time. Lots of country roads to take a cruise on, lakes to hang out at, etc. The main high school is Central High; there used to be a separate school district in the same city called Lakeview, but the two districts merged not too long ago. Lakeview High is still smaller than Central.

San Angelo is home to Goodfellow Air Force Base. This base almost got closed down during the 80s. As it is, they don't fly there anymore, but they study cryptography. I think. San Angelo also boasts Angelo State University and a surprisingly high per-capita concentration of sports bars.