I don't know what it is about rain that seems to bring emotions to the surface with ease, but I wouldn't doubt it has something to do with the fact it rains very infrequently here. When the clouds begin to gather, my heart leaps and I wordlessly hope for it, peering out the window now and then. Normally, I am let down, as if the simple act of expectance itself scares it away.

The most precious moments are those when you begin to hear the raindrops hit against the window without expecting it beforehand. It catches you off guard and you sit there silently for a moment questioning if it's true. Everything is then dropped, no matter what it is I'm doing, or what it is I'm wearing. It's even best when I've forgotten to put on my shoes and I'm wearing my pajamas, running out of the house and into the pouring rain.

The wetness against your skin. The unforgettable smell of it. The fresh coldness in the air. It doesn't matter what I'm feeling, if my heart was broken again or if I should be happy. It doesn't matter, as the tears begin to fall and my head is inclined towards the sky. I'm overwhelmed with this uncontainable feeling within my whole body, a tingling in my fingertips. All the wrongs, the regrets, the urgent emotions are put aside, only leaving a feeling of pureness.

It's like kissing nature.