user since
Wed Apr 18 2001 at 19:11:39 (23.1 years ago )
last seen
Fri Jun 15 2001 at 15:41:13 (23 years ago )
level / experience
0 (Initiate) / 0
mission drive within everything
hard work often pays off after time; but laziness always pays off now.
annoying people, butting in, mistimed jokes, procrastination
yr11 @ BCC
in theory, yes; in practice, no.
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ok. i'm 16, fat, short, lazy and i live with my p75@90 which ran rh, mdk, deb, win98, os2, beos or whatever the flavour of the month was. i do 6 tee subjects (overkill there). linux has given me the opportunity to sit at my pc more and get really frustrated at things until they work. all my friends are geeks.

i have a vcr box (mark II) in construction. it'd be finished if i wasn't slack.

i really should be studying but stuff it.