From the film A.I.

Why is this web adress relevant? The producers of the A.I. film site have integrated the film story into the whois information of this website. You might get information when you call the number in the whois record and solve a piece of the puzzle. Also, the persons who have registered the domain represent family factions within the story of the film. For more information on the film, got to the A.I. node

The Chan family has recently experienced the death of a family member. Although, if you visit the other sites in the A.I. Interactive Metanode, you might get a message from the deceased...

Whois info:

Carla Ghaepetto (FAMILYCHAN2-DOM)
   PMB# 155, 8524 Hwy 6 North
   Houston, TX 77095-6508

   Domain Name: FAMILYCHAN.ORG

   Administrative Contact, Billing Contact:
      Ghaepetto, Carla  (CGL340)  cghaepetto@ALTAVISTA.COM
      PMB# 155, 8524 Hwy 6 North
      Houston, TX  77095-6508
      281 555 1234
   Technical Contact:
      Stanley, Daniel  (DS34258)
      PMB# 328, 1945 South Ohio, Suite A
      Salina, KS  67401
      327-843-4482 123 123 1234

   Record last updated on 15-Mar-2001.

Back to the A.I. Interactive metanode. Please /msg me for corrections but read the metanode if you don't approve of the web adress as a node title