Imis (pronouned imish) is a Turkish word, clearly dating from the days of the Ottoman empire, which can only be defined with the English phrase: "I know that what you say is widely considered common knowledge, so I will not disagree with you, and in fact, you can consider that I have given you tacit agreement, but should, in the future, I have any practical or other reason to deny that I have agreed with you, I reserve the right to do so."

In original social context:

Osman, you have heard that the Sultan urinates in the drinking pool at night when he is drunk with wine, have you not?

(Wise courtier): Imis.

Thanks to the flexible nature of modern Turkish, Imis is an affixible particle, which means that any verb can be changed into what is called the "indirect conditional" through Imis.


Amerika istyor savas

America wants a war.

Amerika istyorimis savas

"There are those who say that America wants a war" (and although I may be one of those people today, I might not be. That is, today, I am one of those people, but I reserve the right to deny that I was ever one of those people should there be proof of the contrary tomorrow. Or if not quite proof, should it be dangerous tomorrow to admit to what I have said today)

The obvious uses of such a word during the dangerous autocratic Ottoman empire may be obvious: One famous Ottoman curse ran "May you be vizier to Selim the Grim". This because Selim the Grim killed most of his viziers. Under such circusmtances the need for a word, affixable to any verb, which allows you to make a statement while at the same time not make one should be apparent. One could assume that such a word would have saved a lot of Stalin's inner circle from Lyubanka prison; on the other hand, Stalin would probably have had anyone who coined such a word shot